God is Moving in EVERY Single Service here at The GLORY Chain - C'mon Join US in the Front Row! Enjoy these testimonies....just a few of hundreds!2024Gm Pastor Cindy! Blessings! Want to share my Praise report so you can read it tonight! A year ago my pinky finger on right side was curb over! A few days ago I was hurting in my right hand pretty bad! I was praying
for it to quit hurting! The other morning I woke up and looked at my pinky and now it's straight! God is awesome! He healed my finger! God is awesome! His works are awesome! Been praying
over a year for it to heal! Have a blessed day love you see you tonight! Love Jean 2023tik tok is talking about possibly shutting down the app....i am appealing to our followers to make sure i have their information in case it should happen so that i can reach out to everyone to give them our new livestream platform address......the next morning 3/17/23 i receive this message from someone i had never actually met:I follow Pastor Cindy on TikTok and I just want to make sure I don't lose her should TikTok Kick her off or become obsolete. I get so much from her lives, I don't know what I'd do without her. Than God and Pastor Cindy a for all she does...TO GOD BE ALL GLORY..... IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE BEING WATCHED EVEN WHEN YOU DO NOT REALIZE IT..... DO ALL THAT YOU DO HUMBLY AND WITH LOVE FOR JESUS AND OTHERS!******2022TESTIMONY FROM SYRENA 7/22Taking Ownership of our own Growth will Keep us. moving Forward!
I used to try to change everyone else to make me be ok.....
I now realize the true gift is when I allow the Lord to change ME!
I used to say: When WE turn people away we actually hurt OURSELVES....
I'd like to share a small little testimony (or maybe not so small!) Wednesday “I think it was Wednesday at least I’m losing track of my days now lol” but when I got home after going to the dealership to get my refund i've been waiting for and 'fighting for' for awhile, II didn’t know what I was gonna eat for dinner and I normally would have a sandwich at home, but for some reason I kept leaning more towards going out to eat ... well I decided to go out to eat and when I got in my car I noticed my glove box was open and the light was on. Well I thought I closed it before I got out of the car but I must not have made sure it was shut before getting out. Now just think about it, if I would have not eaten out and stayed at home that glove box would have been open all night with the light on and probably drained my battery, then I would have possibly had to buy a whole new battery, so instead of having to spend at least $100 on a new battery I spent $20 eating out so God was looking out for me!!! (side note) Tanner had shared with me about a week before this that it had been so hot in Oklahoma and as a welder, it is a very hot job, so by time he gets home he basically eats and falls asleep, so it would have been so much easier to just relax and eat the sandwich at home, but as he said, "HE KEPT LEANING MORE TOWARDS GOING OUT TO EAT" .... SO IT'S IN THE QUIET STILL VOICE THAT JESUS SPEAKS..... THANK YOU JESUS FOR GUIDING AND DIRECTING US AND ALWAYS LOOKING OUT FOR US!******************************************************************************************TESTIMONY FROM SYRENA - 7/18/22TAKING OWNERSHIP OF OUR OWN GROWTH WILL KEEP US MOVING FORWARD
When this gal first came to TGC right after we moved to TikTok she had lots of sorrow and grief from losing a beloved son at 8 years old. Although it's been many years now, the tragic event has kept her from loving God as she once did and trusting Him with her life and future....But there was a "KNOWING" that the Lord brought her to our 'front row' and she began learning and doing the things that were taught. She leaned in to Jesus in a BIG Way and has been making strides out of Grief and Sadness and Into Life Abundant, thankfulness for what she still has and an excitemeht for the future again. //// Here is the email she sent me and I'd love to share it with you all!Dear Pastor Cindy
EXAMPLE: I USED TO SAY "When WE Turn People Away WE actually hurt OURSELVES"
NOW I SAY: "When I Turn People Away I Actually Hurt MYSELF!"
BUT I NOW REALIZE THE TRUE GIFT IS WHEN I ALLOW THE LORD TO CHANGE ME..... xoxNote: What Growth! We can ALL learn from her example of WORKING HARD & Leaning IN to Jesus!*******************************************************************************************
TESTIMONY from JETTA 1/13/22Good evening pastor Cindy and Glory Chain Family. I hope you are having a blessed day and a blessed week so far. I would like to share a scripture that I found that really spoke to me today and that I was praying about today while I was at work. In Hebrews chapter 13:16 it tells us: Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices." If you have known me for a while, you would know that I have been currently doing volunteer work at Magruder hospital. I am absolutely loving what I do. When I first started volunteering, I didn’t know what I was going to be doing. But 8 months later I am working the outpatient desk screening people for Covid-19, working transport & making radiology calls, and sometimes help out Kathy in the gift shop if she needs it or go to the gift shop to hang out with her. I am absolutely loving it. I have met so many different people, in the last 8 months. I have always had an interest in the medical field and instead of becoming a pharmacy technician I have decided to work at a hospital as an receptionist and do front desk work. Health care is where my heart is because I’ve always wanted be be in the health care field. Health care is where I would like to be in my near future. Like the scripture says: Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices." You never know what God has planned for you. Do what you love and god will be pleased with these kind of sacrifices. Here is a picture of me in my volunteer jacket doing what I love. Have a blessed Friday and I will see you all on Saturday for communion.I love you all, JETTAps - for those who do not know Jetta, her dad is a Pain Management Doctor and her mother is a Pharmacist .... the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree!ALSO if you'd like to see the picture she refers too, please go to our Team Page where Miss Jettas picture will be along with another great picture of her. Jetta is on our leadership team as our Head GREETER and Prayer Leader Assistant and is so loyal and loving, she is a GREAT Blessing to us!***********************************************************Blast from the Past!JUNE 1, 2017 - Nick P. came to the service. Said he was gay but felt drawn in. He asked if he could stay.... YOU ALL KNOW BY NOW that we embraced him with open arms! As he listened he was moved to tell me that everything I'm talking about is EXACTLY what he needed to hear! He asked for prayer for DIRECTION. The next morning he sent me an email: Said he was raised Christian but when they found out he was gay they kicked him out of church and his family kicked him out of the house! He said he always felt "Preached At" UNTIL LAST NIGHT at The GLORY Chain. Said he had been struggling with depression and tons of anxiety - said he can hardly even work! Guilt, Fear and Suppressed feelings RULE his life! After I prayed for him he said that he actually felt LIGHT AS A FEATHER and for the 1st Time since High School he took his Bible off of the shelf!!! .... PRAISE GOD! LORD MAY YOU CONTINUE TO SHOWER NICK WITH YOUR LOVE! Amen!
For my birthday Ane sent me a beautiful card from our church
as well as some $$$$ and little sweet blank cards that i could use to bless the person behind me
in line at Starbucks. We are always noticing the young moms with arms full of kiddos, but on this morning as I was driving thru to get myself a coffee i looked i my rearview mirror and there was a
young man, probably on his way to work. I thought, wow, he would probably love to be noticed
once in awhile.... I imagined his bride at home caring for the children while he is off to work to support his beautiful little family..... YEP IT'S HIS TURN! so i paid for his coffee and sped out fhere before he could read the little note I left him. Sorry for the Pink High Heel on the front of the card but it just made this Random Act of Kindness even more special!!! I'll post the picture showing his truck behind me while I handed the gal at the window the card and money.....
Pastor Cindy
From Jetta 2/18/22
LENDING A HELPING HAND:Good evening Pastor Cindy, and Glory Chain Family,
I hope and pray everyone is doing well and staying safe during this pandemic. I wanted to tell you a story that happened to me this week. On Monday and Tuesday, Ohio had a snow storm in my area. My area ended up getting 14 inches of snow. On Tuesday morning my mom was walking our dog and then called me and asked me to go outside and take some pictures of the snow so that what I did. As I was taking pictures of the snow, she told me to wear snow pants because the snow was up to my waist. I was looking around my neighborhood, and thought How can I bless someone? So I’m asked my mom if we had an extra shovel in my garage and thankfully I was able to find one. I went out to my garage, grabbed my shovel and started to shoveled my neighbors driveway and a walkway for another neighbor. While I was walking back towards my house, one o my neighbors opened her front door and thanked me for shoveling her walkway because she didn’t have a driveway. I told her I didn’t mind doing it because I did mine too. It was a lot of work but it was worth it. I ended up shoveling my neighbors driveway, and a walkway then I helped my mom by shoveling our back porch and my front porch. I felt I could help my neighbors while helping my mom. So you see my dear family, helping others in need is a blessing instead of a burden. Never take life for granted. You can help your neighbors in your neighborhood when they are in need. Have a blessed Friday and I will see you all on Saturday.
I love you all
THE LITTLE THINGS - Pastor CindyJust running into the post office like I do almost daily with my armful of Etsy orders to ship. I had recently spoke about keeping a few bucks in your wallet for the "UNEXPECTED OPPORTUNITIES" ... As i was getting ready to open the door a little girl says: "Excuse me mam, could you help my choir
earn the money to go on our tour?" ..... I instantly remembered what I had spoke about and remembered that I had tucked $5 in my wallet...... I said SURE I'D LOVE TO HELP! She says "Oh Thankyou and handed me a small box of M&M's and I said "How Much?" Thinking it would be $1 or $2 and she says $5.00 FIVE DOLLARS XOX EXACTLY WHAT I HAD TUCKED IN SIDE MY WALLET FOR AN "UNEXPECTED OPPORTUNITY"
Pastor Cindy xox (to see her smile, go check out our "OUTREACH MINISTRIES" Page)
From KathyT 5/28/20Evening family. I want to share a testimony that I pray will bless you and bring you some great joy! Last night I asked for prayers for the family and friends of Alfred Nesser. I've known him for 13 years. He would play music at a church i used to attend. He was a mighty man of God, led many souls to Jesus and shared his prophetic words with us all. Alfred was at a much higher level of a relationship with God than most. For the last 4 months he has been battling cancer. God would heal him at his most difficult struggles. He always stayed in touch with his pastor Larry through text. They texted every day! This last stay in the hospital Al felt it would be his last. While he was texting his pastor,
ALL OF A SUDDEN HE SAID ***GOODBYE, THEY ARE HERE!*** Who did he mean THEY are Here? The ones taking him home to Paradise! This gave me holy goosebumps!!! He is in his new body, not more pain!~ THANK YOU JESUS!~From Shirley Nelson 5/7/20God is great and an awesomn God! I wanted to share a testimony about how great and good God is to me. I have been wanting to share this testinony for quite some time. My youngest son and I graduated from high school THE SAME DAY! I
received m
y GED that same day! The reason I left school and did not finish with my class is because I got pregnant and had to drop out of school and go to work. I got pregnant at a young age and got married at a young age. It was after I had all of my children that I went back to school and received my High School Diploma at the age of 45. The I went to college and received my AA (associate degree) in 1998 at the age of 53 and then received m
y BA (bachelor of science degree) at the age of 58. I am sharing this because there may be someone who thinks they cannot do this or that they are too old. It may have taken me some time to complete my education but with God's help and determination i did it and SO CAN YOU! The scripture reads Philippians 4:13 - I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS ME. Be Blessed!~
From Steven Batten 5/14/20Dear Glory Chain Family. I do a bible study at a group home on Mondays. One of the group home members name is Wheeler. A worker that he works with got mad at him and pushed him down a flight of steps! They thought he broke his hip. He has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now. One of the doctors said to him that he did NOT break his hip, but bruised it very badly. He had been in the hospital 3 weeks before a doctor actually saw him and could not be released until then.
A staff worker from the hospital called me and said that Wheeler is ready to see Pastor Steven Wayne Batten. He had been released and is doing just FINE! I have been dropping food by and checking in on him and he will be able to return to our gathering in June! I praise God for his speedy recovery and for restoring his hip in Jesus Name~
From Pastor David / Ghana Africa (March 23, 2020)from YOUR FAMILY in Ghana:
Hello Pastor Cindy, I trust that you are doing well in these trying times that the world is facing with this deadly COVID-19. My family and I are doing fine here even though our country has recorded some cases here with one death reported. It is our prayer that it doesn't get out of hand since our health system here is weak and under resourced. Our only hope is God! I appeal to you and "OUR" GLOBAL GLORY CHAIN FAMILY to keep us in your prayers!
Yours, In His Vineyard
From Steven B. (March 26, 2020)A woman at a store that I was shopping in was in a wheelchair. I was talking to her as she had asked me for some help. I said sure, got the product for her off of the shelf and helped her to her car. She said "Are You a Pastor?" .... I said "Yes" ... She said "Can You Pray For Me?" ... I asked her what her name was....Janet she said. I asked her why she was in a wheelchair and she told me about the car accident that put her there. The doctors told her that she will never be able to drive again.....her daughter was standing next to her listening to her every word. I asked her daughter to place Her Hands on her mothers legs......she did.... I lifted My Hands in the Name of Jesus and said,
"LORD, HEAL HER LEGS RIGHT NOW AND LET HER WALK AGAIN IN JESUS NAME....AMEN......" On Monday I get a phone call from the woman..... she is WALKING WITH NO MORE WHEELCHAIR!!! I said PRAISE GOD!!! I WAS SHOUTING, SINGING AND DANCING!!! I had given her a Bible and said, now you have a bible, READ IT.... she said I AM!!! I hung up the phone and the Lord said to me, 'THIS IS YOUR CONGREGATION, THE PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY!..... HALLELUJAH!
From Josue Rosario (July 1, 2020)I want to give a Praise Report ... I asked for prayer for a new job and I had been applying for 2 years. I had been praying for a long while. Hoping for growth worked for a veterinary hospice service that would come to the home and help fanilies get thru the very profound and honorable time. I had become very fatigued after doing this for 4.5 years. So I prayed to God asking for a change. It was a 2 year period of time that I had been praying, hoping and seeking. I wanted to work for a specific company and had been applying to this company over and over again rejection after rejection. I came on to the periscope one night and where Pastor Cindy shared a testimony. I then asked Pastor Cindy to help me pray for en. peace. Peace in knowing that God is in control. That night I surrendered this burden. Not even a week later
I received an email with an interview and then i went and was HIRED! SINCE THEN MY LIFE HAS DEFINATELY CHANGED AND GOD HAS BLESSED ME. Thank you for your prayers and I look forward to seeing what God has in store. MANY BLESSINGS TO ALL!
From Steve S. (August 15, 2019)Hi Pastor Cindy,
I hope this message finds you doing well. I just have a quick, light-hearted testimonial for you this afternoon. Matthew 17:20 tells us if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, anything is possible. For me, this scripture was very much on my mind on Tuesday evening. I was opening a new jar of mustard seed, and trying to peel off the protective seal on top of the jar. Well, the seal SUDDENLY came off after a few determined pulls sending mustard seed flying all over the kitchen! As I was sweeping the little pellets up off my kitchen floor (they are really hard to clean up), I thought to myself – I am going to be stepping on these little mustard seeds for months…it's impossible to get every one of them!!! Well, rather than get angry at the situation, I laughed and recalled Matthew 17:20 and simply said "THANK YOU LORD FOR THE REMINDER!"
God bless you!
From Justin (August 13, 2020The other night I had a dream like no other dream I had before. My dad whispered a saying to me in a way that I felt like "I knew he was ok" but it felt like God said he was ok. Anyways, I whispered something back, like "I Love You," or something like that. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard because I remember before my father passed away and while he was still in the hospital I was holding my dads hand and saying "daddy I Love You, Please Don't Go". ..... I wanna thank everyone who has been there for me and my mon for all the love and support! Have a good weekend everyone and renember #YouMatter!!! See you all on Monday!
From Miss Jetta - August 20, 2020Hello Pastor Cindy and Glory Chain Family. My disability is called right hemiparesis (Hemee Paree Sis). This means that I am completely paralyzed on my right side and I have some usage of my hand but not completely full use of my hand. When I was in the womb of my mom, I suffered from 3 strokes and seizures. That is what caused the hemiparesis in my right hand. I had a stroke on the left side of my brain. My parents realized this after I was born and they knew that I was a little different, but still their daughter. After doing research, the doctors gave me a seizure medication and I never had a stroke or seizure again. Love Jetta
From Miss Jetta - February 6, 2020THE DAY I GOT MY CAR!
Good evening my dear pastor and glory chain family,
There has been one thing that I have wanted to do In my life and it was learning how to drive a car on my own. It was something that I have wanted to do for a very long time. So I talked to my parents and asked them if I could learn how to drive a car. Back in 2015, I had a drivers education instructor come to my house and prepare me to take the written portion of the driving test. Once I passed my written exam, I drove with my instructor for a while until I felt comfortable taking the driving portion of the driving test. I went with my driving instructor to the dmv for my driving test and when I came back to the dmv I found out that I passed my driving test and received my drivers license. Even though I have a disability I am able to drive a car safety with the help of a spinner knob. Now that I have my license I am able to take my mom to the hospital for her cancer treatments and I’m able to drive her back home. I am very close to driving On my own and have more responsibility to help my family how ever I can. I know I haven’t told you guys about my disability but now you get to know me a little bit more.
I love you all
JettaFrom Dennis - February 2019Pastor Cindy,And my glory chain family. Thank you all so much for filling the void that I have in my life. I have been so alone Since I lost my business and my Carol. I remember the first night that I found the Glory chain family on periscope...... the best night of my life. Your support, and your kind words saved me. Even tho we are 3000 miles away , I felt that you and the Glory chain family were near me....I need that ! Thank you and thank you my Glory chain family. For the hope ,the love
And direction, to find my way home to my Father , my Lord Jesus Christ. I know that the Lord has forgiven me for my sins. My soul is filled with fire and love. For the first time in my life-today..... I found myself Preaching chapter and verse from the Bible. Oh ! What a different person I am. Thank you Pastor Cindy and my glory chain family. Your true Follower, Dennis
from Steven Wayne B. - August 2019I have been counseling a young man named Dennis for two years, he has been looking for a job ,yesterday he had an interview and on Monday he starts his new job on Monday.Dennis said you prayed over me on Sunday you said I was going to get a job in three days.I told him them words was the Holy Spirit. I ask this question to him ,do you believe in Jesus Christ? He said yes . I told him "you can believe but have you received him in your life." He said "I don’t know." ...." Do you want to know ?" ....He said yes. He accepted Jesus Christ yesterday afternoon. I was dancing and praising.This is my praise report.......woohoo!
from Justin S. - August 2019Hello my glory chain family so the other day I was thinking about my cousin moving to California and it made me SO SAD BECAUSE I WOULD MISS HER TERRIBLY.... But I decided to pray for her to have fun .... I prayed and prayed and the Lord told me that a MIRACLE WOULD HAPPEN..... and it did .... I WOKE UP THIS MORNING IN A GREAT MOOD!!!!! God did this awesome thing for me! What an awesome thing God has done! Always remember #YOUMATTER! Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you in church for Communion on Saturday!
From Steven B. - October 2019
Jesus love is awesome ...I prayed for A woman name Rachael to QUIT SMOKING..... She QUIT SMOKING, IS NOW BREATHING CLEARLY!
That's MY Testimony!
from KathyT - October 2019Good evening family, I first want to say thank you for all your prayers from around the world. As most of you know, I just spent a few days in the hospital due to extreme fatigue and weakness. As I explained to the doctors it was as if someone was draining my life force from me, and someone was. It was the enemy. He has thrown everything he possibly could at us from mental physical financial you name it. All to try to steal our blessings peace joy strength and faith. But he will never steal our faith because for me and my household we belong to Jesus. Hallelujah. As I lay in my bed mentally absorbing all the doctors were telling me, I found myself late that night talking intimately with God. He reassured me I had much more work to do for Him. I cried openly to Him saying but I don’t understand. I’ve been healthy all my life. How can this be. Than I was reminded that He wrote my story and wove me in my mother’s womb. I need to give Him His pen back and trust Him. He is using me. There’s going to be a huge testimony after all of this. One thing I have be allowed to see is how I’ve touched so many many lives in positive ways. Yes my heart breaks for my children and my grand children brothers and sisters who weep so for me. Please don’t weep pray for my battle, give me strength. He has given me an amazing beautiful life, family and friends. Am I ready to say goodby , no I know I have much more work to do. I found so much peace spending such a close peaceful loving time me with The Father. Now in all of this He did answer a 7 year prayer. My daughter and my son and his wife have not spoken for 7 years. It’s a long story. Well my son felt he needed to fly out and spend the weekend with me. Not only was it awesome to see my son again but he and my daughter had a long talk and hugged each other with such love. My son’s wife wasn’t here but has also openly accepted Pam back into her life. That was a huge prayer answered. My next prayer is for my daughter in love to come face to face with Jesus, and my son to return to the flock. My daughter in love is Muslin. I don’t look at this upcoming hospital stay at a Cancer hospital as a death sentence. I look at it as an issue that needs to be resolved. I also found out that if I need a bone marrow transplant, my sister is the same blood type as me. There’s going to be so much good from all of this. Do not weep. Just keep praying. God has this. I stand on His Word. I love you all to the moon and back. Kathy T
from Jetta - November 2019Hello Pastor Cindy and my glory chain family,It has been a while since I have written a
testimony. Most of you are probably wondering how did I become the worship leader for the glory chain. As I was attending church with pastor Cindy, she mentioned that they needed someone else to join the team. So I asked pastor Cindy if I could be apart of the team. And of course I said yes. As I was driving home one day with my mom, pastor Cindy texted me and said that she needed to ask me an important question and asked me when to call her. After Pastor Cindy called me, she told me to pray about me becoming a part of the team. After I prayed I texted her and said I would love to do it! Here is a song that I hope helps you guys to get to know me better ***HOW GREAT THOU ART***Love you guys Jetta
from Shirley - November 2019Praise the Lord from whom all blessing flow. I have been working for my community. It started when we didn’t have an association in my community and I started working to get us one. It was through prayers and tears that it can to being. And with that the people in the community made me president. So after 2 years being the president and we just had an election and voting and it turn out that I am the president for another 2 years. I pray for my community and for my neighbors, that we be concerned about our neighbor and that we know who our neighbor is. I want the best for our community and I want us to be concerned about what happens in our community and what happens to our neighbor. With that pray that we will reach out and help someone in need. Peace and blessing to you
from Steve S. - November 2019Good Morning Pastor Cindy,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to give you a quick update this morning. After trading voice mails and texts last week, Dennis and I finally connected LIVE on the phone on Saturday afternoon. We had a nice you know, he is in a lot of pain at this point in his life. I really just wanted to give him some encouraging words and be a friend who would listed to him. I think the Lord helped me do exactly that, because I think I left him in a better place. I encouraged him to keep holding Jesus close, to be kind to himself, and to focus on little, practical things he can do each day to get his life closer to what he wants it to be. I will continue to reach out to him...either with a quick text "hello" and also via phone. I told him that I will be here for him and to feel free to reach out to me. He has been and will continue to be in my prayers.
Second: I wanted to THANK YOU for sharing your incredibly powerful testimonial last night. It really moved me in a very powerful way. I simply cannot imagine what you and your husband went through. Your testimonial will serve to further strengthen and deepen my faith. It truly changes how I see the world, and makes me think about how I can be that good samaritan in my daily life.
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day!
See you in church!
Much love,
from: JOSUE 2019I want to give a praise report. I asked for prayer for a new job and I had been applying for 2 years. I had been praying for a long while.. Hoping for growth... previously I worked for a veterinary Hospice service that would come to the home and help families get through this very profound and honorable time. I had become very fatigued after doing this for 4.5 years. So I prayed to God asking for a change. It was a 2 year period of time that I was hoping and praying and seeking. I wanted to work for a specific company and had been applying to this company over and over again rejection after rejection.. I came on to the periscope one night and where Pastor Cindy shared a testimony.
I then asked for prayer and pastor Cindy to help me pray for peace.. Peace in knowing that God is in control. That night I surrendered this burden.. Not even a week later I received an email with an interview and then I went and was hired.. since then my life has definitely changed and God has blessed me . Thank you for your prayers and I look forward to seeing what God has in store .. many blessings to all .
Thank you for reaching out. I am glad you will be sharing this with others. God is so good. *****
December 2019 / KathyT (in hospital being treated for bone marrow cancer! .... GOD HAS HEALED HER....she is recuperating nicely!!!!!...Hello my Glory Chain Family, love you all. Let me take you on my journey with Jesus. First of all Pastor Cindy had given me a word that she was receiving from God a few months back. It had to do with a garden and it would lead me to the most beautiful smelling flower, one I had never smelt before. My first oncology doctor described my lukemia as the bone marrow being a garden that now had weeds in it and those weeds needed to be removed. From day one at Duke Jesus was telling me I was healed and I told that to everyone who entered my room. It made no difference who entered my room from the trash collectors to the doctors. My team of doctors even said I love coming in here you’re so positive. I kept repeating over myself I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus. He says I’m healed so I’m healed. I stand on those words. My bone marrow biopsy came back clean . I never had any doubt. I never let go f His Hand. He brought me through many trials from hitting rock bottom in my immune system to my kidneys being bruised by all the antibiotics to the blood in my digestive system. Back to that garden and the flower. Every night at 4 am the lab would come to draw blood. This one morning I was awakened by this strong floral fragrance. I was half asleep and could only make out a silhouette of a female. The perfume on her hand was beautiful. She never returned to take blood after that but I will always remember that fragrance. That was another message from God that I was healed. He brought me to that flower he spoke to Pastor about. The closest I can explain the fragrance is Dior Joy intense. When I got home from the hospital there was a sample in her Glamour magazine. If we just listen and spend quality time with the Father Son and Holy Ghost, and give Full control, God will give you the answers you need. My next testimony will be on the Word Restoration that was given to Pastor for me. Love to all and thank you for all your prayers and messengers sent. God had me the entire time and I’m only scratching the surface of what He did for me. I love you all to the moon and back



Kathy T
6/22/19 - PASTOR DAVID/GHANA AFRICAHello Glory Chain Family .... here is an update from our our missions trip to Accra. We reached out to 2,000 people on the streets today. EIGHT committed their lives to Jesus right on the streets! Upon reaching home today someone called that was handed a tract to ask for prayer. GOD IS GOOD!
4/2/19 - SHARLATo Pastor Cindy and all of The Glory Chain Family...I just wanted to thank you for taking tine to teach the lesson on "The Church Building vs The People" In other words, is The Church a Building or is The Church the People? ... I am new to the Word and am so eager to learn all that the Bible has to teach me. It blesses my heart that you take the time for each individual on their journey to answer questions and explain it in a way that is easy for newbies to understand. I know God sent me to the right place when I clicked on The Glory Chain. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I am so happy to a part of The Glory Chain Family "A Church with No Walls" ... I will grow stronger in the Lord every day! Church hugs and much love and prayers to you all! MeMawB Sharla
8/1/19 - STEVEN B.I've been counseling a young man named Dennis for two years. He has been looking for a job. Well, he had an interview yesterday and WAS HIRED! He starts on Monday. Dennis was excited to tell me because he said that I prayed over him on Sunday and said that he would have a job in 3 days! I told him that the Holy Spirit put that in my heart to say, then I asked him if he has received Jesus in his life yet....he said, "I don't know" .... I said "Do you want to know"? He said YES!!!!! He Accepted Jesus Christ yesterday afternoon! THIS IS MY PRAISE REPORT! .... I have been DANCING & PRAISING EVER SINCE!
8/15/19 - STEVE S.
Matthew 17:20 tells us that is we have Faith the size of a MUSTARD SEED, anything is possible. For me, this scripture was very much on my mind on Tuesday evening. I was opening a new jar of MUSTARD SEED and while attempting to peel off the protective seal on the top of the jar it came off with a jerk and sent MUSTARD SEED FLYING ALL OVER THE KITCHEN! As I was sweeping up the little tiny pellets from my kitchen floor (they are really hard to clean up) I thought to myself ... "I am going to be stepping on these little mustard seeds for months!" .... It is impossible to get every one of them! ... Well, rather than get angry at the situation, I laughed as I recalled Matthew 17:20 and simply said "THANK YOU GOD FOR THE REMINDER!!!!!" God Bless You All! Love, Steve
5/30/19 - KATHYTGod Prayer answered in Just Minutes!
It was a tight month financially for Pam and I. Fortunately I did stock up on basics in my pantry so I could make some basic meals. BUT this evening I was craving MILK so that I could have a bowl of cereal. I was praying that the Lord would bring me some milk to my door. No sooner and my phone rang. It was my sister, she said, "Hey, I sold some of our parents items on Ebay, thought I'd come by, pick you up and let's go to Walmart??? WOOHOO! God hears our prayers and it is usually the most simple things in life that bring me the greatest joy!.... Love you all to the Moon and Back.....and yes indeed, I had that bowl of cereal!
7/16/19 - TANNERSo yesterday I went on a job interview for a welding position and my brother decided to ride along. On our way back my car began to heat up and smoke so I pulled off the road. Opening the hood we see the cap to the coolant smoking, I carefully removed it and the remainder of the coolant just went everywhere. We are now stranded. What to do..... All of a sudden we realize that right behind us is a Robertsons Tire Co., so we gently drove it there and they fixed it away. When I went to pay they said, "We are Cutting the Labor IN HALF! WOW! So as I took out my wallet, my brother took his out quicker and HE PAID THE OTHER HALF! .... So then I thought, well, now I have the money to fix a headlight that burned out awhile back so on the way home I stopped at my regular mechanic. They kept the car overnight. Next morning went to pick it us and they said "We are Cutting the Labor IN HALF! WOW!..... So once again I took out my wallet and once again, my brother took out his wallet and HE PAID THE OTHER HALF! ... After this I began to think about God's Word and this is what came to my mind:
Malachi 3:10 - bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple. If you do, "says the Lord of Heaven's Armies," I will open the windows of Heaven for you, I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough to take it in! Try It! Put me to the Test!.........and
Luke 6:38 - "Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down - shaken together - to make room for more, running over and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."
1/23 - KATHY TI wanted to take a moment to follow up on my "earth angel AUSTIN" ... He is the one who came out of nowhere to help shovel the snow for my daughter to be able to get her car out. I had told him that away I wanted to do something special for him for his kindness. I had baked some treats for him but could not find where he lived. I went right to where he said, but there was NO AUSTIN THERE. It bothered me everyday that I never finished that promise to him. While in my kitchen on Monday I got the feeling that I must make brownies with cream cheese frosting and crushed candy canes and try to find Austin AGAIN....I went back to the building that he had motioned to with his hand and decided to go to the very end and upstairs. I knocked on the door and THERE WAS AUSTIN WITH A BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE!!!!! I asked him if he remembered me ad he did, and I gave him the plate of goodies and he was SO OVERJOYED that I had made them for hi and he was SO VERY THANKFUL. He is such a humble thankful teenager. As I walked away he even wished me a GREAT DAY. That brought me such JOY! He is my Earth Angel. Thank you Jesus! It is the simple honest things in life that bring me the most joy!!! Hallelujah!
3/13 - KATHY TI turned in my paperwork to the apartment office that I'm renting from because Pam and I need to move by 3/31. They are raising the rent on this apartment by $75. I knew we needed to downsize to a one bedroom. While in the office I asked my "angel" Sharon what I need to put down for the change of apartments and she said....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! JUST PICK UP YOUR KEYS ON THE 29TH! I was expecting to have to pay at least $150.00 - AND also should mention that my lease doesn't officially run out on the 2 bedroom until 4/1/19. Technically I should have to pay 8 days here and then a full month for the 1 bedroom on the 1st. SHE WROTE THAT OFF TOO!
Thank YOU Jesus for putting an "EARTH ANGEL" in charge of this entire process!
3/13/19 - JETTAI started an Alpha prayer group at my church. Last night my dad and I were sitting together and we got prayed over. While being prayed for I started to tear up because I could feel the Holy Spirit over me! It was an AMAZING EXPERIENCE!
12/17/18 - ANONYMOUSFor the past 3 years we have adopted Pastor's tradition of THE COMFY LIL BED (Jesus Cozy Little Manger) ... My children eagerly put straw in the manger when they are "caught' BEING GOOD! ... But all along I kept hearing them talk about Santa Coming! To be quite honest, come December 24th I was more than ready to take down everything.
On the 24th, me and my husband stayed awake until very late. The Tree Looked PERFECT. We busted "Santa" putting presents under the tree. The holiday was shaping up perfectly. We cozied in our bed and knew tomorrow would be perfect. I just didn't know how perfect it would be!
6:45am I hear giggles, then the pitter patter of little feet and I see a BIG GRIN. My 4 year old opens his mouth and the first two things I here is MOMMY...... I expect to hear the same words I've heard since Thanksgiving ended that "SANTA CAME" .... But instead he comes into my room and exclaims with Joyous Praise... "MAMA, MAMA, COME QUICK!!! LOOK! LOOK!!! BABY JESUS CAME LAST NIGHT!!!! He grabs my hand and runs me to the front room. He picks up the basket and shows me baby Jesus swaddled in his little cradle. At that moment NO OTHER GIFT MATTERS!
And this Is my Christmas Testimony!
from StevenB. - 4/25/18A man came up to me at "Bojangles" and said: "Are You Wayne Batten?" I said "Yes" .... he handed me a check for $2,000.00 today. StevenB.
Caitlyn - 10/11/18Last week I really needed gas for my car ... it was getting close to E and living out in the country like I do, the closest gas station is 10 miles away. So I loaded up the girls and drove towards the closest station. As I was only about 3 miles away there were a few STRAY COWS IN THE ROAD WANDERING! YES, I said COWS! I thought, this was strange but I knew an older man who I have seen out there before and he was cutting his land probably owned those cows.....So I drove up this hilly and long driveway and knocked on his door. Poor Savannah was freaking out! LOL
He answered and thanked me and said he was trying to get better fencing because his cows are too smart for this old one. I got back in the car THANKFUL THAT I TURNED IT OFF while I spoke to him because we talked a good 15 minutes and I would have ran out of gas for sure! I go back down the road and back to my plan, While I am driving a few cop cars pass by, then an ambulance and a fire truck and I think .... WOW, must be a bad accident up ahead. I pray it's not because I am almost on fumes at this point. I am close to the gas station and breathe a sigh of relief .....UNTIL I notice all of these lights and I realize the cops and fire fighters and paramedics are at the GAS STATION that I needed to go too.....They Waved me Around the ROAD BLOCKS and at that moment I a scared! I believe I won't make it to the next Gas Station, I pull over and check my GPS and the next one is ONE MILE AWAY.
Thank God, I can make it. I turn OFF the AC, roll the windows down and go 10 miles UNDER the speed limit to try to CONSERVE GASOLINE. I make it and I get my gas and my tank is full and I am HAPPY! I go back home. On the way all of the emergency vehicles are still at the first gas station that I was planning on going too. I get curious and GOOGLE what was going on when I got home. Turns out, a CRAZY MAN ON DRUGS ROBBED THE GAS STATION 10 MINUTES EARLIER! He also SHOT A FEW PEOPLE (who thankfully all survived).
THIS WAS GOD'S DIVINE INTERVENTION. IF THOSE STRAY COWS HAD NOT BEEN IN THE ROAD I WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE WITH MY TWO GIRLS AT THAT EXACT TIME!!! It is truly amazing how He works! How He has a plan and no matter what His plan goes the way He wants. Thank God I am ok and my girls are ok. I have a purpose and I will do everything I can to live my purpose. I am BEYOND BLESSED TO BE HERE and I know that! When I needed a Reminder HE opened my eyes WITHOUT HESITATION! God is SOO GOOD!
Love Caitlyn xox
from KathyT - 8/16/18GOOD Morning Sister Pastor Cindy and all my Beautiful Glory CHAIN Family. I had to share this testimony of God's beautiful merciful and gracious power. When you started prophesying the words for someone who was suffering from night terrors and was having difficulties sleeping and needed to hear these words, I received the prayer for my daughter. I got up and walked into her room to see why she wasn't joining us in church service yet ....... She has not been able to sleep the last 4 days from worrying about her son who goes back to his dad this Saturday. When I opened her door SHE WAS SOUND ASLEEP. She told me this morning she had a VERY PEACEFUL SLEEP. I told her she had to watch your replay. WOW WOW WOW. I love how powerful and merciful our God is.
I am overflowing with thankfulness to our God. Always remember PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens). Love you All. God bless and keep your eyes on God thru everything you are going through. He is with us always. We sat and talked about her concerns and I explained to her that first you're worrying about things that haven't even happened yet and how this was a trick of the enemy and that instead of giving it to the Lord and standing in His will, she was trying to handle this herself and that she had to fully submit to God to fully find her Peace. Love you ALL!!! Amen and Amen! Sister KathyT
from LadyWard - 8/16/28Good morning Pastor Cindy/sister twin and MY Glory CHAIN Family!!! I truly thank God for finding this safe place of Christian fellowship and growth. Last night Pastor Cindy read affirmations and declarations in church service. She spoke about our sleep and said to call out the enemy for who he is by saying if we are losing sleep every night we are experiencing warfare ... soooooo I felt this word was for me because Pastor Cindy said to STOP BLAMING THE EXCUSE of LOSS of Sleep on PTSD or whatever you are claiming .... Pastor Cindy said to call it out as spiritual warfare and an attack on us! She didn't beat around the bush! So I called it out as I sat on the couch listening with my husband listening.....
Hello, it's Bradley. May I just thank you so much for helping me on the early stages of my relationship with God, I know it's going to be a long road but I'm willing to start. I've been looking for something that has been missing for so long, and He was with me all along, so again thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. I will be sure to watch your periscope whenever you go live. I live in ENGLAND so it may be that I watch replays but I'd love to stay in contact with you. Thank you again and God Bless! Bradley
from MariaA - 3/7/18Good morning Pastor Cindy;
I love you. Thank you for introducing me to a Jesus I never knew until I was led to The GLORY Chain; a God of True Love like no other! Have a blessed day. See you tonight!
Maria A.
from JustinJ. - 8/12/18Hi there!!! God led me (JustinJ) to The Glory Chain a couple days ago when I was searching various platforms for a good bible study! I instantly fell in love with Pastor Cindy's enthusiasm and willingness to spread the Word to anyone and everyone! I'm excited to begin this incredible journey with you all!!! Thank you for all you do and I praise God for sending The GLORY Chain to me!
God Bless, Justin Joyal
5/16/16 - from Pastor Cindy - (From ALMOST TRAGEDY to COMPLETE TRIUMPH!)We were having difficulty making the WIFI work correctly ... I had the service set up in our garage back in those days (smile) and nobody was home but me. After 45 minutes of fighting with the WIFI the Static got so bad that I literally had to shut down the Church Service. In almost 3 years of gathering together 5 nights a week this would be the ONLY TIME we ever stopped the service. It will make sense in a minute! I went into the house and let my 3 dogs out to do their business, then back to the kitchen to give them a cookie .... then I hear BARK BARK BARK (we have 2 labradors who have a yard behind my poodles yard. I knew they also wanted a cookie.... I had noticed when I took my poodles out that my hubby had put the BBQ COVER back on the BBQ from the night before when I cooked some chicken and I thought, "Oh how Sweet of Him" ... (NOTICE EVERY STEP) ... I TOLD THE BIG DOGS "You Guys are Fine.... I'll be back LATER to give you some cookies" .... I was actually tired and was going to go rest in my bedroom which is on the other end of the house. .... I started to close the door and again BARK BARK BARK!!!! ... So I felt bad and said (OK, OK, I'M COMING!!! You Spoiled Dogs!!!) ... I GOT THE BOX OF DOG BONES and to get to them I had to walk right by the BBQ and "WHEN I DID" ... exactly at that very moment I hear a WHOOSH AND A BALL OF HEAT HIT ME ..... I JUMPED BACK AND THAT'S WHEN I SEE THE ENTIRE BACK SIDE OF THE BBQ COVER WAS ON ***FIRE!!!*** ..... That BBQ is 1" away from the house, the cover actually touches the house....THINK ABOUT IT!!!! ***IF*** the static hadn't caused me to have to shut down the service ....and ***IF*** I hadn't gone back outside that 2nd time when the dogs refused to STOP BARKING there is no doubt in my mind OUR HOUSE WOULD HAVE BURNED DOWN! We live on a mountaintop which is GORGEOUS and our Water is on a Well which is Delicious BUT there is NO FIRE HYDRANT and NO WAY for a Firetruck to get here and utilize our swimming pool in time .... I wouldn't have even known the house was on fire until 3/4 of it would have been on fire from up in the rafters and the attic .... It is TOO SCAREY TO EVEN THINK ABOUT! I would have been fast asleep and WHO KNOWS????
I threw that BBQ Cover off and onto the grassy area just in the NIK of TIME! The MORAL of the Story: IN EVERYTHING GIVE GOD THANKS!!! We do not know the things that He is protecting us from when it seems like He isn't paying attention or isn't answering our prayers! TidBit of Truth: EVEN IN A STORM when there is a lot of STATIC IN YOUR LIFE, there is NEVER enough Static to STOP THE FLOW of Your Prayers reaching the EARS and the HEART of the Lord .... He will hear and answer you when you call .... SO I AM BLESSED THAT THIS STORY THAT STARTED OUT FULL OF STATIC AND DISAPPOINTMENTS ENDED UP WITH A HALLELUJAH PRAISE MIRACLE!
Next time your life seems to be going awry or upside down, please remember this story and how the Lord Orders Every Step!!! Bless Him!!! Praise Him!!! Thank Him!!!! And for my 2 labs who are normally very polite and patient, I thank them for RESPONDING TO THE NUDGING OF THE Holy Spirit TO NOT GIVE UP BARKING UNTIL I WENT BACK OUT THERE THE 2ND TIME! .... God IS GOOD!
Pastor Cindy,
I wanted to let you know that I enjoy your scopes and you are so kind. Fellowship is important that I know. Anyways I am so glad I found the Glory Chain. You always appear bubbly and happy you draw people in. I get a kick out of the saying to grab a seat in the front row.
Blessings, Angel
(PS - she became a member the next week!)
JUNE 2018 - from CathyB:Hi Pastor Cindy and Glory Chain prayer team!
💕thank you 💕for your beautiful uplifting card and your prayers!
Every time I think I can sit down and write I am interrupted. I have at least three unfinished letters to you in my draft folder.
In short I’m so glad I was able to reach out and ask for prayer. I often don , ’t even when I should. I was overburdened, overwhelmed and weary. I sensed Holy Spirit wanting me to reach out. I’m so glad I did!
I’d been talking to God all day. Standing on His word, worshiping, praising but my todo list was bringing me to the point of exhaustion! I needed some dear sisters and brothers to help hold my arms up until my strength was renewed.
My dear friend and prayer partner had just lost her dog and her mother was just hours away from passing so I didn’t want to ask her.
I was in the middle of getting dinner for my family and felt so weary that I didn’t know if I could get it done. My husband was home after knee replacement surgery so I had been taking care of him, my two year old grandson, our three dogs-Pablo alone with dementia was high maintenance plus our two horses.
I was just about ready to throw in the towel and have a big, wet pity party when I looked at the clock and saw that it was Glory Chain time. I let out a big laugh when I saw the title... Stressed Out?! Come receive God’s peace! God’s timing is perfect! Yup! Send some of that my way, stat!
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you dear Glory Chain for your love and prayers!!!!!!!!!!
There was a complete turn around that night. God is soooo good!
I prayed for God to reveal a better way to navigate this busy time in my life. Everything is running a lot smoother now. Thank you Jesus!
Oh and there was a bonus blessing...... After my mind and body were rested and renewed I went after that dementia in Pablo and told it to leave! He’s is doing so much better! Hallelujah! Now he is just our dear 15 year old....that 76 in human years.
Love, Cathy
From Dennis - February 2019Pastor Cindy,And my glory chain family. Thank you all so much for filling the void that I have in my life. I have been so alone Since I lost my business and my Carol. I remember the first night that I found the Glory chain family on periscope...... the best night of my life. Your support, and your kind words saved me. Even tho we are 3000 miles away , I felt that you and the Glory chain family were near me....I need that ! Thank you and thank you my Glory chain family. For the hope ,the love
And direction, to find my way home to my Father , my Lord Jesus Christ. I know that the Lord has forgiven me for my sins. My soul is filled with fire and love. For the first time in my life-today..... I found myself Preaching chapter and verse from the Bible. Oh ! What a different person I am. Thank you Pastor Cindy and my glory chain family. Your true Follower, Dennis
from Wayne B. - August 2019I have been counseling a young man named Dennis for two years, he has been looking for a job ,yesterday he had an interview and on Monday he starts his new job on Monday.
Dennis said you prayed over me on Sunday you said I was going to get a job in three days.
I told him them words was the Holy Spirit. I ask this question to him ,do you believe in Jesus Christ? He said yes . I told him "you can believe but have you received him in your life."
He said "I don’t know." ...." Do you want to know ?" ....
He said yes
He accepted Jesus Christ yesterday afternoon.
I was dancing and praising.
This is my praise report.......woohoo!
from Justin - August 2019Hello my glory chain family so the other day I was thinking about my cousin moving to California and it made me SO SAD BECAUSE I WOULD MISS HER TERRIBLY.... But I decided to pray for her to have fun .... I prayed and prayed and the Lord told me that a MIRACLE WOULD HAPPEN..... and it did .... I WOKE UP THIS MORNING IN A GREAT MOOD!!!!! God did this awesome thing for me! What an awesome thing God has done! Always remember #YOUMATTER! Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you in church for Communion on Saturday!
From Steven B. - October 2019
Jesus love is awesome ...I prayed for A woman name Rachael to QUIT SMOKING..... She QUIT SMOKING, IS NOW BREATHING CLEARLY!
That's MY Testimony!
from KathyT - October 2019Good evening family, I first want to say thank you for all your prayers from around the world. As most of you know, I just spent a few days in the hospital due to extreme fatigue and weakness. As I explained to the doctors it was as if someone was draining my life force from me, and someone was. It was the enemy. He has thrown everything he possibly could at us from mental physical financial you name it. All to try to steal our blessings peace joy strength and faith. But he will never steal our faith because for me and my household we belong to Jesus. Hallelujah. As I lay in my bed mentally absorbing all the doctors were telling me, I found myself late that night talking intimately with God. He reassured me I had much more work to do for Him. I cried openly to Him saying but I don’t understand. I’ve been healthy all my life. How can this be. Than I was reminded that He wrote my story and wove me in my mother’s womb. I need to give Him His pen back and trust Him. He is using me. There’s going to be a huge testimony after all of this. One thing I have be allowed to see is how I’ve touched so many many lives in positive ways. Yes my heart breaks for my children and my grand children brothers and sisters who weep so for me. Please don’t weep pray for my battle, give me strength. He has given me an amazing beautiful life, family and friends. Am I ready to say goodby , no I know I have much more work to do. I found so much peace spending such a close peaceful loving time me with The Father. Now in all of this He did answer a 7 year prayer. My daughter and my son and his wife have not spoken for 7 years. It’s a long story. Well my son felt he needed to fly out and spend the weekend with me. Not only was it awesome to see my son again but he and my daughter had a long talk and hugged each other with such love. My son’s wife wasn’t here but has also openly accepted Pam back into her life. That was a huge prayer answered. My next prayer is for my daughter in love to come face to face with Jesus, and my son to return to the flock. My daughter in love is Muslin. I don’t look at this upcoming hospital stay at a Cancer hospital as a death sentence. I look at it as an issue that needs to be resolved. I also found out that if I need a bone marrow transplant, my sister is the same blood type as me. There’s going to be so much good from all of this. Do not weep. Just keep praying. God has this. I stand on His Word. I love you all to the moon and back. Kathy T
from Jetta - November 2019Hello Pastor Cindy and my glory chain family,It has been a while since I have written a
testimony. Most of you are probably wondering how did I become the worship leader for the glory chain. As I was attending church with pastor Cindy, she mentioned that they needed someone else to join the team. So I asked pastor Cindy if I could be apart of the team. And of course I said yes. As I was driving home one day with my mom, pastor Cindy texted me and said that she needed to ask me an important question and asked me when to call her. After Pastor Cindy called me, she told me to pray about me becoming a part of the team. After I prayed I texted her and said I would love to do it! Here is a song that I hope helps you guys to get to know me better ***HOW GREAT THOU ART***Love you guys Jetta
from Shirley - November 2019Praise the Lord from whom all blessing flow. I have been working for my community. It started when we didn’t have an association in my community and I started working to get us one. It was through prayers and tears that it can to being. And with that the people in the community made me president. So after 2 years being the president and we just had an election and voting and it turn out that I am the president for another 2 years. I pray for my community and for my neighbors, that we be concerned about our neighbor and that we know who our neighbor is. I want the best for our community and I want us to be concerned about what happens in our community and what happens to our neighbor. With that pray that we will reach out and help someone in need. Peace and blessing to you
from Steve S. - November 2019Good Morning Pastor Cindy,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to give you a quick update this morning. After trading voice mails and texts last week, Dennis and I finally connected LIVE on the phone on Saturday afternoon. We had a nice you know, he is in a lot of pain at this point in his life. I really just wanted to give him some encouraging words and be a friend who would listed to him. I think the Lord helped me do exactly that, because I think I left him in a better place. I encouraged him to keep holding Jesus close, to be kind to himself, and to focus on little, practical things he can do each day to get his life closer to what he wants it to be. I will continue to reach out to him...either with a quick text "hello" and also via phone. I told him that I will be here for him and to feel free to reach out to me. He has been and will continue to be in my prayers.
Second: I wanted to THANK YOU for sharing your incredibly powerful testimonial last night. It really moved me in a very powerful way. I simply cannot imagine what you and your husband went through. Your testimonial will serve to further strengthen and deepen my faith. It truly changes how I see the world, and makes me think about how I can be that good samaritan in my daily life.
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day!
See you in church!
Much love,
from: JOSUE - 2019I want to give a praise report. I asked for prayer for a new job and I had been applying for 2 years. I had been praying for a long while.. Hoping for growth... previously I worked for a veterinary Hospice service that would come to the home and help families get through this very profound and honorable time. I had become very fatigued after doing this for 4.5 years. So I prayed to God asking for a change. It was a 2 year period of time that I was hoping and praying and seeking. I wanted to work for a specific company and had been applying to this company over and over again rejection after rejection.. I came on to the periscope one night and where Pastor Cindy shared a testimony.
I then asked for prayer and asked pastor Cindy to help me pray for peace.. Peace in knowing that God is in control. That night I surrendered this burden.. Not even a week later I received an email with an interview and then I went and was hired.. since then my life has definitely changed and God has blessed me . Thank you for your prayers and I look forward to seeing what God has in store .. many blessings to all .
Thank you for reaching out. I am glad you will be sharing this with others. God is so good. *****
December 2019 / KathyT (in hospital being treated for bone marrow cancer! .... GOD HAS HEALED HER....she is recuperating nicely!!!!!...Hello my Glory Chain Family, love you all. Let me take you on my journey with Jesus. First of all Pastor Cindy had given me a word that she was receiving from God a few months back. It had to do with a garden and it would lead me to the most beautiful smelling flower, one I had never smelt before. My first oncology doctor described my lukemia as the bone marrow being a garden that now had weeds in it and those weeds needed to be removed. From day one at Duke Jesus was telling me I was healed and I told that to everyone who entered my room. It made no difference who entered my room from the trash collectors to the doctors. My team of doctors even said I love coming in here you’re so positive. I kept repeating over myself I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus. He says I’m healed so I’m healed. I stand on those words. My bone marrow biopsy came back clean . I never had any doubt. I never let go f His Hand. He brought me through many trials from hitting rock bottom in my immune system to my kidneys being bruised by all the antibiotics to the blood in my digestive system. Back to that garden and the flower. Every night at 4 am the lab would come to draw blood. This one morning I was awakened by this strong floral fragrance. I was half asleep and could only make out a silhouette of a female. The perfume on her hand was beautiful. She never returned to take blood after that but I will always remember that fragrance. That was another message from God that I was healed. He brought me to that flower he spoke to Pastor about. The closest I can explain the fragrance is Dior Joy intense. When I got home from the hospital there was a sample in her Glamour magazine. If we just listen and spend quality time with the Father Son and Holy Ghost, and give Full control, God will give you the answers you need. My next testimony will be on the Word Restoration that was given to Pastor for me. Love to all and thank you for all your prayers and messengers sent. God had me the entire time and I’m only scratching the surface of what He did for me. I love you all to the moon and back



Kathy T6/22/19 -
PASTOR DAVID/GHANA AFRICAHello Glory Chain Family .... here is an update from our our missions trip to Accra. We reached out to 2,000 people on the streets today. EIGHT committed their lives to Jesus right on the streets! Upon reaching home today someone called that was handed a tract to ask for prayer. GOD IS GOOD!
4/2/19 - SHARLATo Pastor Cindy and all of The Glory Chain Family...I just wanted to thank you for taking tine to teach the lesson on "The Church Building vs The People" In other words, is The Church a Building or is The Church the People? ... I am new to the Word and am so eager to learn all that the Bible has to teach me. It blesses my heart that you take the time for each individual on their journey to answer questions and explain it in a way that is easy for newbies to understand. I know God sent me to the right place when I clicked on The Glory Chain. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I am so happy to a part of The Glory Chain Family "A Church with No Walls" ... I will grow stronger in the Lord every day! Church hugs and much love and prayers to you all! MeMawB Sharla
8/1/19 - STEVE BATTENI've been counseling a young man named Dennis for two years. He has been looking for a job. Well, he had an interview yesterday and WAS HIRED! He starts on Monday. Dennis was excited to tell me because he said that I prayed over him on Sunday and said that he would have a job in 3 days! I told him that the Holy Spirit put that in my heart to say, then I asked him if he has received Jesus in his life yet....he said, "I don't know" .... I said "Do you want to know"? He said YES!!!!! He Accepted Jesus Christ yesterday afternoon! THIS IS MY PRAISE REPORT! .... I have been DANCING & PRAISING EVER SINCE!
3/13 - KATHY TI turned in my paperwork to the apartment office that I'm renting from because Pam and I need to move by 3/31. They are raising the rent on this apartment by $75. I knew we needed to downsize to a one bedroom. While in the office I asked my "angel" Sharon what I need to put down for the change of apartments and she said....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! JUST PICK UP YOUR KEYS ON THE 29TH! I was expecting to have to pay at least $150.00 - AND also should mention that my lease doesn't officially run out on the 2 bedroom until 4/1/19. Technically I should have to pay 8 days here and then a full month for the 1 bedroom on the 1st. SHE WROTE THAT OFF TOO!
Thank YOU Jesus for putting an "EARTH ANGEL" in charge of this entire process!
3/13/19 - JETTAI started an Alpha prayer group at my church. Last night my dad and I were sitting together and we got prayed over. While being prayed for I started to tear up because I could feel the Holy Spirit over me! It was an AMAZING EXPERIENCE!
12/17/18 - ANONYMOUSFor the past 3 years we have adopted Pastor's tradition of THE COMFY LIL BED (Jesus Cozy Little Manger) ... My children eagerly put straw in the manger when they are "caught' BEING GOOD! ... But all along I kept hearing them talk about Santa Coming! To be quite honest, come December 24th I was more than ready to take down everything.
On the 24th, my husband and I stayed awake until very late. The Tree Looked PERFECT. We busted "Santa" putting presents under the tree. The holiday was shaping up perfectly. We cozied in our bed and knew tomorrow would be perfect. I just didn't know how perfect it would be!
6:45am I hear giggles, then the pitter patter of little feet and I see a BIG GRIN. My 4 year old opens his mouth and the first two things I here is MOMMY...... I expect to hear the same words I've heard since Thanksgiving ended that "SANTA CAME" .... But instead he comes into my room and exclaims with Joyous Praise... "MAMA, MAMA, COME QUICK!!! LOOK! LOOK!!! BABY JESUS CAME LAST NIGHT!!!! He grabs my hand and runs me to the front room. He picks up the basket and shows me baby Jesus swaddled in his little cradle. At that moment NO OTHER GIFT MATTERS!
The past 3 years my children have seen their mommy focusing on the true meaning and it is beginning to stick! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY JESUS. Today marked the day of the first day of our beautiful life and how making an example does shine forth to the ones you love the most. We never needed the tree, the presents, the fancy dinner. We are truly blessed my four year old gave me the reminder that instead of worrying about how everything looked in the morning, the most important thing to look for is Jesus EVERY MORNING. And that Is my Christmas Testimony!
From Steven B. 4/25/18A man came up to me at "Bojangles" and said: "Are You Wayne Batten?" I said "Yes" .... he handed me a check for $2,000.00 today. SteveB.
KathyT - 8/16/18GOOD Morning Sister Pastor Cindy and all my Beautiful Glory CHAIN Family. I had to share this testimony of God's beautiful merciful and gracious power. When you started prophesying the words for someone who was suffering from night terrors and was having difficulties sleeping and needed to hear these words, I received the prayer for my daughter. I got up and walked into her room to see why she wasn't joining us in church service yet ....... She has not been able to sleep the last 4 days from worrying about her son who goes back to his dad this Saturday. When I opened her door SHE WAS SOUND ASLEEP. She told me this morning she had a VERY PEACEFUL SLEEP. I told her she had to watch your replay. WOW WOW WOW. I love how powerful and merciful our God is.
I am overflowing with thankfulness to our God. Always remember PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens). Love you All. God bless and keep your eyes on God thru everything you are going through. He is with us always. We sat and talked about her concerns and I explained to her that first you're worrying about things that haven't even happened yet and how this was a trick of the enemy and that instead of giving it to the Lord and standing in His will, she was trying to handle this herself and that she had to fully submit to God to fully find her Peace. Love you ALL!!! Amen and Amen! Sister KathyT
From LadyWard 8/16/28Good morning Pastor Cindy/sister twin and MY Glory CHAIN Family!!! I truly thank God for finding this safe place of Christian fellowship and growth. Last night Pastor Cindy read affirmations and declarations in church service. She spoke about our sleep and said to call out the enemy for who he is by saying if we are losing sleep every night we are experiencing warfare ... soooooo I felt this word was for me because Pastor Cindy said to STOP BLAMING THE EXCUSE of LOSS of Sleep on PTSD or whatever you are claiming .... Pastor Cindy said to call it out as spiritual warfare and an attack on us! She didn't beat around the bush! So I called it out as I sat on the couch listening with my husband listening.....
From Bradley - 3/21/18Hello, it's Bradley. May I just thank you so much for helping me on the early stages of my relationship with God, I know it's going to be a long road but I'm willing to start. I've been looking for something that has been missing for so long, and He was with me all along, so again thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. I will be sure to watch your periscope whenever you go live. I live in ENGLAND so it may be that I watch replays but I'd love to stay in contact with you. Thank you again and God Bless! Bradley
from MariaA. - 3/7/18Good morning Pastor Cindy;
I love you. Thank you for introducing me to a Jesus I never knew until I was led to The GLORY Chain; a God of True Love like no other! Have a blessed day. See you tonight!
Maria A.
from Justin J. - 8/12/18Hi there!!! God led me (Justin J.) to The Glory Chain a couple days ago when I was searching various platforms for a good bible study! I instantly fell in love with Pastor Cindy's enthusiasm and willingness to spread the Word to anyone and everyone! I'm excited to begin this incredible journey with you all!!! Thank you for all you do and I praise God for sending The GLORY Chain to me!
God Bless, Justin Joyal
From Pastor Cindy - 5/16/16 - WORTH REPEATING! (From ALMOST TRAGEDY to COMPLETE TRIUMPH!)We were having difficulty making the WIFI work correctly ... I had the service set up in our garage back in those days (smile) and nobody was home but me. After 45 minutes of fighting with the WIFI the Static got so bad that I literally had to shut down the Church Service. In almost 3 years of gathering together 5 nights a week this would be the ONLY TIME we ever stopped the service. It will make sense in a minute! I went into the house and let my 3 dogs out to do their business, then back to the kitchen to give them a cookie .... then I hear BARK BARK BARK (we have 2 labradors who have a yard behind my poodles yard. I knew they also wanted a cookie.... I had noticed when I took my poodles out that my hubby had put the BBQ COVER back on the BBQ from the night before when I cooked some chicken and I thought, "Oh how Sweet of Him" ... (NOTICE EVERY STEP) ... I TOLD THE BIG DOGS "You Guys are Fine.... I'll be back LATER to give you some cookies" .... I was actually tired and was going to go rest in my bedroom which is on the other end of the house. .... I started to close the door and again BARK BARK BARK!!!! ... So I felt bad and said (OK, OK, I'M COMING!!! You Spoiled Dogs!!!) ... I GOT THE BOX OF DOG BONES and to get to them I had to walk right by the BBQ and "WHEN I DID" ... exactly at that very moment I hear a WHOOSH AND A BALL OF HEAT HIT ME ..... IT JUMPED BACK AND THAT'S WHEN I SEE THE ENTIRE BACK SIDE OF THE BBQ COVER WAS ON ***FIRE!!!*** ..... That BBQ is 1" away from the house, the cover actually touches the house....THINK ABOUT IT!!!! ***IF*** the static hadn't caused me to have to shut down the service ....and ***IF*** I hadn't gone back outside that 2nd time when the dogs refused to STOP BARKING there is no doubt in my mind OUR HOUSE WOULD HAVE BURNED DOWN! We live on a mountaintop which is GORGEOUS and our Water is on a Well which is Delicious BUT there is NO FIRE HYDRANT and NO WAY for a Firetruck to get here and utilize our swimming pool in time .... I wouldn't have even known the house was on fire until 3/4 of it would have been on fire from up in the rafters and the attic .... It is TOO SCAREY TO EVEN THINK ABOUT! I would have been fast asleep and WHO KNOWS????
I there that BBQ Cover off and onto the grassy area just in the NIK of TIME! The MORAL of the Story: IN EVERYTHING GIVE GOD THANKS!!! We do not know the things that He is protecting us from when it seems like He isn't paying attention or isn't answering our prayers! TidBit of Truth: EVEN IN A STORM when there is a lot of STATIC IN YOUR LIFE, there is NEVER enough Static to STOP THE FLOW of Your Prayers reaching the EARS and the HEART of the Lord .... He will hear and answer you when you call .... SO I AM BLESSED THAT THIS STORY THAT STARTED OUT FULL OF STATIC AND DISAPPOINTMENTS ENDED UP WITH A HALLELUJAH PRAISE MIRACLE!
Next time your life seems to be going awry or upside down, please remember this story and how the Lord Orders Every Step!!! Bless Him!!! Praise Him!!! Thank Him!!!! And for my 2 labs who are normally very polite and patient, I thank them for RESPONDING TO THE NUDGING OF THE Holy Spirit TO NOT GIVE UP BARKING UNTIL I WENT BACK OUT THERE THE 2ND TIME! .... God IS GOOD!
FROM ANGEL - 6/10/18Pastor Cindy,
I wanted to let you know that I enjoy your scopes and you are so kind. Fellowship is important that I know. Anyways I am so glad I found the Glory Chain. You always appear bubbly and happy you draw people in. I get a kick out of the saying to grab a seat in the front row.
Blessings, Angel
(PS - she became a member the next week!)
from CathyB - JUNE 2018Hi Pastor Cindy and Glory Chain prayer team!
💕thank you 💕for your beautiful uplifting card and your prayers!
Every time I think I can sit down and write I am interrupted. I have at least three unfinished letters to you in my draft folder.
In short I’m so glad I was able to reach out and ask for prayer. I often don’t even when I should. I was overburdened, overwhelmed and weary. I sensed Holy Spirit wanting me to reach out. I’m so glad I did!
I’d been talking to God all day. Standing on His word, worshiping, praising but my todo list was bringing me to the point of exhaustion! I needed some dear sisters and brothers to help hold my arms up until my strength was renewed.
My dear friend and prayer partner had just lost her dog and her mother was just hours away from passing so I didn’t want to ask her.
I was in the middle of getting dinner for my family and felt so weary that I didn’t know if I could get it done. My husband was home after knee replacement surgery so I had been taking care of him, my two year old grandson, our three dogs-Pablo alone with dementia was high maintenance plus our two horses.
I was just about ready to throw in the towel and have a big, wet pity party when I looked at the clock and saw that it was Glory Chain time. I let out a big laugh when I saw the title... Stressed Out?! Come receive God’s peace! God’s timing is perfect! Yup! Send some of that my way, stat!
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you dear Glory Chain for your love and prayers!!!!!!!!!!
There was a complete turn around that night. God is soooo good!
I prayed for God to reveal a better way to navigate this busy time in my life. Everything is running a lot smoother now. Thank you Jesus!
Oh and there was a bonus blessing...... After my mind and body were rested and renewed I went after that dementia in Pablo and told it to leave! He’s is doing so much better! Hallelujah! Now he is just our dear 15 year old....that 76 in human years.
Love, Cathy
6/22/19 - PASTOR DAVID/GHANAHello Glory Chain Family .... here is an update from our our missions trip to Accra. We reached out to 2,000 people on the streets today. EIGHT committed their lives to Jesus right on the streets! Upon reaching home today someone called that was handed a tract to ask for prayer. GOD IS GOOD!
4/2/19 - SHARLATo Pastor Cindy and all of The Glory Chain Family...I just wanted to thank you for taking tine to teach the lesson on "The Church Building vs The People" In other words, is The Church a Building or is The Church the People? ... I am new to the Word and am so eager to learn all that the Bible has to teach me. It blesses my heart that you take the time for each individual on their journey to answer questions and explain it in a way that is easy for newbies to understand. I know God sent me to the right place when I clicked on The Glory Chain. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I am so happy to a part of The Glory Chain Family "A Church with No Walls" ... I will grow stronger in the Lord every day! Church hugs and much love and prayers to you all! MeMawB Sharla
8/1/19 - STEVE BATTENI've been counseling a young man named Dennis for two years. He has been looking for a job. Well, he had an interview yesterday and WAS HIRED! He starts on Monday. Dennis was excited to tell me because he said that I prayed over him on Sunday and said that he would have a job in 3 days! I told him that the Holy Spirit put that in my heart to say, then I asked him if he has received Jesus in his life yet....he said, "I don't know" .... I said "Do you want to know"? He said YES!!!!! He Accepted Jesus Christ yesterday afternoon! THIS IS MY PRAISE REPORT! .... I have been DANCING & PRAISING EVER SINCE!
Matthew 17:20 tells us that is we have Faith the size of a MUSTARD SEED, anything is possible. For me, this scripture was very much on my mind on Tuesday evening. I was opening a new jar of MUSTARD SEED and while attempting to peel off the protective seal on the top of the jar it came off with a jerk and sent MUSTARD SEED FLYING ALL OVER THE KITCHEN! As I was sweeping up the little tiny pellets from my kitchen floor (they are really hard to clean up) I thought to myself ... "I am going to be stepping on these little mustard seeds for months!" .... It is impossible to get every one of them! ... Well, rather than get angry at the situation, I laughed as I recalled Matthew 17:20 and simply said "THANK YOU GOD FOR THE REMINDER!!!!!" God Bless You All! Love, Steve S.
5/30/19 - KATHYTGod Prayer answered in Just Minutes!
It was a tight month financially for Pam and I. Fortunately I did stock up on basics in my pantry so I could make some basic meals. BUT this evening I was craving MILK so that I could have a bowl of cereal. I was praying that the Lord would bring me some milk to my door. No sooner and my phone rang. It was my sister, she said, "Hey, I sold some of our parents items on Ebay, thought I'd come by, pick you up and let's go to Walmart??? WOOHOO! God hears our prayers and it is usually the most simple things in life that bring me the greatest joy!.... Love you all to the Moon and Back.....and yes indeed, I had that bowl of cereal!
7/16/19 - TANNERSo yesterday I went on a job interview for a welding position and my brother decided to ride along. On our way back my car began to heat up and smoke so I pulled off the road. Opening the hood we see the cap to the coolant smoking, I carefully removed it and the remainder of the coolant just went everywhere. We are now stranded. What to do..... All of a sudden we realize that right behind us is a Robertsons Tire Co., so we gently drove it there and they fixed it away. When I went to pay they said, "We are Cutting the Labor IN HALF! WOW! So as I took out my wallet, my brother took his out quicker and HE PAID THE OTHER HALF! .... So then I thought, well, now I have the money to fix a headlight that burned out awhile back so on the way home I stopped at my regular mechanic. They kept the car overnight. Next morning went to pick it us and they said "We are Cutting the Labor IN HALF! WOW!..... So once again I took out my wallet and once again, my brother took out his wallet and HE PAID THE OTHER HALF! ... After this I began to think about God's Word and this is what came to my mind:
Malachi 3:10 - bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple. If you do, "says the Lord of Heaven's Armies," I will open the windows of Heaven for you, I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough to take it in! Try It! Put me to the Test!.........andLuke 6:38 - "Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down - shaken together - to make room for more, running over and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."GOD IS GOOD!1/23 - KATHY TI wanted to take a moment to follow up on my "earth angel AUSTIN" ... He is the one who came out of nowhere to help shovel the snow for my daughter to be able to get her car out. I had told him that away I wanted to do something special for him for his kindness. I had baked some treats for him but could not find where he lived. I went right to where he said, but there was NO AUSTIN THERE. It bothered me everyday that I never finished that promise to him. While in my kitchen on Monday I got the feeling that I must make brownies with cream cheese frosting and crushed candy canes and try to find Austin AGAIN....I went back to the building that he had motioned to with his hand and decided to go to the very end and upstairs. I knocked on the door and THERE WAS AUSTIN WITH A BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE!!!!! I asked him if he remembered me ad he did, and I gave him the plate of goodies and he was SO OVERJOYED that I had made them for hi and he was SO VERY THANKFUL. He is such a humble thankful teenager. As I walked away he even wished me a GREAT DAY. That brought me such JOY! He is my Earth Angel. Thank you Jesus! It is the simple honest things in life that bring me the most joy!!! Hallelujah!
3/13 - KATHY TI turned in my paperwork to the apartment office that I'm renting from because Pam and I need to move by 3/31. They are raising the rent on this apartment by $75. I knew we needed to downsize to a one bedroom. While in the office I asked my "angel" Sharon what I need to put down for the change of apartments and she said....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! JUST PICK UP YOUR KEYS ON THE 29TH! I was expecting to have to pay at least $150.00 - AND also should mention that my lease doesn't officially run out on the 2 bedroom until 4/1/19. Technically I should have to pay 8 days here and then a full month for the 1 bedroom on the 1st. SHE WROTE THAT OFF TOO!
Thank YOU Jesus for putting an "EARTH ANGEL" in charge of this entire process!
3/13/19 - JETTAI started an Alpha prayer group at my church. Last night my dad and I were sitting together and we got prayed over. While being prayed for I started to tear up because I could feel the Holy Spirit over me! It was an AMAZING EXPERIENCE!
From Steven B. - 4/25/18A man came up to me at "Bojangles" and said: "Are You Wayne Batten?" I said "Yes" .... he handed me a check for $2,000.00 today. StevenB.
from Bradley - 3/21/18Hello, it's Bradley. May I just thank you so much for helping me on the early stages of my relationship with God, I know it's going to be a long road but I'm willing to start. I've been looking for something that has been missing for so long, and He was with me all along, so again thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. I will be sure to watch your periscope whenever you go live. I live in ENGLAND so it may be that I watch replays but I'd love to stay in contact with you. Thank you again and God Bless! Bradley
from Angel - 6/10/18Pastor Cindy,
I wanted to let you know that I enjoy your scopes and you are so kind. Fellowship is important that I know. Anyways I am so glad I found the Glory Chain. You always appear bubbly and happy you draw people in. I get a kick out of the saying to grab a seat in the front row.
Blessings, Angel
(PS - she became a member the next week!)
JUNE 2018 - from CathyB:Hi Pastor Cindy and Glory Chain prayer team!
💕thank you 💕for your beautiful uplifting card and your prayers!
Every time I think I can sit down and write I am interrupted. I have at least three unfinished letters to you in my draft folder.
In short I’m so glad I was able to reach out and ask for prayer. I often don’t even when I should. I was overburdened, overwhelmed and weary. I sensed Holy Spirit wanting me to reach out. I’m so glad I did!
I’d been talking to God all day. Standing on His word, worshiping, praising but my todo list was bringing me to the point of exhaustion! I needed some dear sisters and brothers to help hold my arms up until my strength was renewed.
My dear friend and prayer partner had just lost her dog and her mother was just hours away from passing so I didn’t want to ask her.
I was in the middle of getting dinner for my family and felt so weary that I didn’t know if I could get it done. My husband was home after knee replacement surgery so I had been taking care of him, my two year old grandson, our three dogs-Pablo alone with dementia was high maintenance plus our two horses.
I was just about ready to throw in the towel and have a big, wet pity party when I looked at the clock and saw that it was Glory Chain time. I let out a big laugh when I saw the title... Stressed Out?! Come receive God’s peace! God’s timing is perfect! Yup! Send some of that my way, stat!
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you dear Glory Chain for your love and prayers!!!!!!!!!!
There was a complete turn around that night. God is soooo good!
I prayed for God to reveal a better way to navigate this busy time in my life. Everything is running a lot smoother now. Thank you Jesus!
Oh and there was a bonus blessing...... After my mind and body were rested and renewed I went after that dementia in Pablo and told it to leave! He’s is doing so much better! Hallelujah! Now he is just our dear 15 year old....that 76 in human years.
Love, Cathy
12/9/17 To: Pastor Cindy!!!!Thank you so much for the lovely gifts! They put a smile on my face and little Miss Snookie is over the moon with her toys!! My mother‘s surgery went well and she is in recovery. She has a long road ahead of her but we both thank you so much for all of your prayers!
11/14/17 - #KIDSMATTER! - Gibson was our First WINNER to receive this AWARD! His mommy said he was so excited about Christmas this year and for the Very First Time Gibson actually had something to say when she asked him what he would like for Christmas .... he said: 'I WOULD LOVE A CHRISTMAS TREE & A TURKEY!"
That was That! We made His "Little Wish Come True" and Began our 1st #kidsmatter Award - we will grant ONE PER SEASON - Parents can nominate their children when they catch them being Good! .... Here is Paulette's note after we phoned them during church to announce it:
I just watched the replay again to make sure I wasn't dreaming! Thank you so much for last night! I'm sorry I didn't say much on the phone, but I was trying to hold up my cell phone so Gibson could still watch and he was so excited that he was making all of his excited noises. I could hear him on the replay, lol. We are so very thankful for you and the Glory Chain! My husband, who is 6 feet tall and 200+ pounds actually had tears in his eyes! We have had a rough September and October. We also have a 22 year old son, Richard, who recently moved back home with us. He had moved out into an apartment with his girlfriend (against our wishes). We liked the girl, just thought they needed to wait until marriage for that type of commitment. Well they broke up and tries to make it on his own, but just decided to come back home for now. He is starting to mature and see the error in his ways. We had been having internet problems, I still feel it was the enemy keeping us from church. We finally switched providers so hopefully that is fixed. Then we had some car troubles and ended up having to buy another car. So you have no idea how bright of a blessing this was to our family. I feel like there are others who care about us (having a child with a disability is very isolating for the family) and things are going to start looking up for us!
We cannot even thank you enough. Love, The Hair Family, Paulette, Gilbert & Gibson
9/6/17 (I received THIS awesome Email) Hello! I just got done watching your broadcast on periscope this morning and I believe I have been born again. I have also begun reading the Bible. I am already in chapter 16 of Matthew.
I had listened to your Monday broadcast as well and it has been wonderful. Yesterday I was having a hard day and all I could do was lay in bed and cry. Then I began praying and I could feel his light and peace fill me up and then I found your broadcast and it had helped my sad mood and made it bright again.
Thank you so much for using your gifts for good.
I would like more scriptures to look up and information please. I look forward to future broadcasts to further my learning. Thank you again.
7/6/17 - Hello pastor, I would love to tell you a little bit about myself....(she came to church the night before and couldn't answer simple questions like "what's your name"? "where are you from"? --- I have been rescued and free from familial human trafficking for almost 3 years. I just legally had my name changed to keep me safe. My parents (we are not sure if they really were my parents) did not make sure that I had legal documents. You see, I've never gone to school, I had never been to a doctor, I do not know when my birthday is. I have a lawyer now....I have had 7 lawyers. I'm so grateful for the one I have now. He got me a birth certificate and is working on me getting a SS Card. I am in 2 programs in Louisville KY. Rescue and Restore and The Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking program. I was raised in witchcraft. I am almost afraid that people will not believe me, but please believe every word. When I was rescued, they found me stabbed from 2 days prior. I was chained to a wall - you asked me if I need prayer? Yes I do. Don't we all? I have a service dog but no one to talk to. I learned about Jesus after I was rescued and I think many things are tragic but beautiful. I am not who I used to be, please know this.
NOTE: Since this day Jacckee met her and sent her a Bible. We have gotten to know Saorice and fellowship with her in church and on the telephone. She is finally receiving her SS card on September 15th and the Lord is teaching her how to BE FREE IN HIM and to FEAR NOT! .... He shall open many doors for her to minister to others who have lived a similar path. She has a heart of GOLD and it is my blessing to call her friend!
6/1/17 - DJ Stanley asked Jesus into his heart! He was hard into gangs and beginning THIS DAY he WALKED AWAY! They told him to "watch his back" .... I told him the story of Tim our bass player from years ago who got saved from Satanic Worship and they told him the same thing on Halloween! He was on the stage playing worship music to the Lord .... his old gang walked by, looked in the window, we prayed: GREATER IS HE IN US THAN HE IN THE WORLD! Tim Drew Near to the Lord and RESISTED SATAN and Satan FLED! This encouraged DJ very much! The next day he decided to ask to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit. He said he was going to pray till he received his prayer language .... HE GOT IT! HALLELUJAH!
(He invited his 16 year old niece to join us, she has many problems at home and is making horrible choices. We welcomed her with open arms! She asked Jesus in her heart and he is helping her day by day! We LOVE seeing her come sit in the front row and KNOW the Lord will bless her life and pray she continues to walk with the Lord!
JUNE 1, 2017 - Nick P. came to the service. Said he was gay but felt drawn in. He asked if he could stay.... YOU ALL KNOW BY NOW that we embraced him with open arms! As he listened he was moved to tell me that everything I'm talking about is EXACTLY what he needed to hear! He asked for prayer for DIRECTION. The next morning he sent me an email: Said he was raised Christian but when they found out he was gay they kicked him out of church and his family kicked him out of the house! He said he always felt "Preached At" UNTIL LAST NIGHT at The GLORY Chain. Said he had been struggling with depression and tons of anxiety - said he can hardly even work! Guilt, Fear and Suppressed feelings RULE his life! After I prayed for him he said that he actually felt LIGHT AS A FEATHER and for the 1st Time since High School he took his Bible off of the shelf!!! .... PRAISE GOD! LORD MAY YOU CONTINUE TO SHOWER NICK WITH YOUR LOVE! Amen!
JUNE 24, 2017 - Kath (our prayer team leader) says she laughs at how shocked and surprised she gets when we receive a Miracle from God! We should say: OF COURSE HE ANSWERED!! xox Here's her story:
California is 1 of 5 states in the country that has State Disability in which you contribute to the fund. Her husband was depending on this money to live on after they moved to Oklahoma. $600/week! After moving they could not find any doctor that was willing to sign the certifications that he could not work. We went to five doctors including one in Texas. So he was DENIED this money! I appealed the decision but because I worked for THIS department for 30 years I knew that the chances of them reversing this decision through an appeal process was not probable! However, as I wrote the appeal I prayed: Father, your Word says that you are concerned with what concerns me. I pray you change this decision...but YOUR WILL BE DONE! That was in May of this year. His appeal hearing is scheduled for next Friday. //// Unfortunately my husband is not a believer so he was not agreeing with me in prayer or expecting that a miracle could possibly happen. SO TODAY, I go to the mailbox like always, but today there were 3 envelopes....The Department, with NO PRIOR PHONE CALL OR COMMUNICATION HAS PAID HIM ALL THE MONEY FROM JANUARY THROUGH MARCH!!!! I am telling you (FROM 30 YEARS WORK EXPERIENCE) This does NOT happen unless a Great Big Wonderful, Merciful, Powerful God TAKES ACTION! He hears the cry of the faithful and unfaithful alike! Not on our time but His to let His Glory Shine!!! My husband says 'it's a MIRACLE! /// Hallelujah! I will still praise you Lord even if . . . Hallelujah and Amen!!
Maria Alcantara sent us an urgent Prayer Request for her daughter Celeste. She has been struggling with Drug Use. We have prayed for her before when Maria first came to TGC but this was serious! Parts of the letter said:
My daughter was arrested for. missing 2 probation visits. I was sure God's hand was in this because she wasn't in trouble yet, no warrant issued. She was found and taken in and has been in an adult detention until last Thursday, May 25. She was admitted to an all women residential facility for people with addiction. Today I received a phone call that the facility was trying to locate her. They told me that she went AWOL. I'm trying to stay strong and trust in the Lord but it's difficult not knowing who she is with or where she is at! I'm praying for here protection and praying that she will CALL ME or come home. I'm praying for her safety, for deliverance from addiction, salvation and that she will COME HOME! I pray that God will grant me my daughter back safely and heal our family. I thank you wholeheartedly for your prayers for Celeste. God Bless You.
The next day, Wednesday 5/31 WE HAD A PRAYER MEETING.... We don't usually, but the Lord said, Instead of doing a "get over the HUMP Wednesday" have a prayer meeting....... So during the VERY POWERFUL MEETING Maria came in..... I asked her right away if she had heard from her daughter and she said: "NOT YET" ........ I IMMEDIATELY STARTED PRAYING AND SHOUTED OUT TO EVERYONE WHO WAS MIXING THEIR FAITH WITH ME THAT WE PRAYED SHE WOULD HEAR FROM HER WITHIN 24 HOURS!!!!!! WE STAND ON GOD'S PROMISES AND WE THANK THE LORD AHEAD OF TIME.....
Paulette sent me this email and I just had to share it! xox I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT LITTLE GIBSON KIDDO!
I just wanted to let you know how happy my family is about the new time. We love it! I also wanted to let you know how much Gibson loved the end of the service tonight when you were signing along with the song. He learned a little bit of sign language when he was little because he talked so late. So he really enjoyed watching you sign, so much so that he's watched it a dozen times now God bless you, Pastor Cindy. My family and I are so lucky to have found you. We are so excited about Caitlyn's shower tomorrow too XOXO
5/31/17 12,000,000 HEARTS 4 JESUSWe had a party and I am sending all the members either a #YOUmatter Bow Ring or Cross Bracelet
11,000,000+ HEARTS 4 Jesus (as of MAY 2, 2017)
APRIL 12, 2017
OUR 3RD DAY WE HAD OVER 5,200 VIEWERS! So many MORE people seeing us now! To GOD be all the Glory! Even the Trolls are in every new neighborhood we pass thru.... but we shall "Love them to LIFE" with our New Motto: TROLLS have SOULS!
Welcome to the Periscope VIP program! We are so excited to have you. As a member of the VIP Program, you'll have access to benefits that will help you grow your audience, recognition on Periscope that will identify you as a VIP, and collaboration opportunities with other broadcasters.
2/22/17 - Hello my Pastor!!First I would like to say that the night you and the church prayed over our zumba class, a few important people came in! We ended up having a double session! I knew it was God and gave Him all the praise. It was tuff to not cry! Thank you! (This is from Christina Long who just recently with a friend went in to business opening a New Zumba Studio and we are praying for it to FLOURISH in Jesus Mighty Name! .... Thank YOU Lord for answering our prayers!
2/20/17 - During Prayer in our Church Service last night, Erin - @Fitness__islife - asked for prayer for her Mother who has been sick with the Flu or flu- like symptoms.....
We prayed and as we prayed the Lord gave me (pastor cindy) a Word for her:
SHE WILL ARISE REFRESHED AND RESTORED .... WE CLAIM God's Word over her and look forward to the MIRACLE!
Here is the message from Erin.... first thing THE NEXT MORNING:
"A L L B E T T E R"
Hallelujah, Praise the King of King as we Celebrate yet ANOTHER ANSWERED PRAYER here at TGC!
1/12/17 TESTIMONY NIGHT: A New Member of the Glory Chain Anais from Russia shared a story that July 14, 2016 she was in Nice France during their Firework Celebration (something like our independence day) when a large truck came barreling thru and killed 84 people! Left people thrown all over the streets!!! As she and her friend were Screaming and Running away like everyone else, once the gun shots went off everything became SILENT..... she and her friend went back to the Promenade to see if they could help .... she shares that people were running everywhere looking for their wives, their children, their brothers and sisters ... when she heard a woman lying in the street call out to her.....she immediately went and saw the badly injured woman and the woman asked her to please sit with her and not leave her alone. Anais was led by the lord to begin asking this woman who had placed all of her faith in this moment, to share some of her most SPECIAL AND FAVORITE MEMORIES with Anais .... it helped bring a flood of PEACE in a place of Fear and Chaos..... The woman began sharing her most favorite memories of her life and before you know it, the ambulance and 911 workers came to help her .... Anais says that she has NEVER shared this testimony before because she could not find the proper words to show the true feelings of what she went thru, but she felt safe to share with us in her broken english which was beautifully written, and she says she knows that God was with her that night, and although she sometimes has fear when she thinks of it, she also knows that God was there to protect her and to help bring a woman peace. THANK YOU ANAIS! WE LOVE YOU FOR SHARING THIS IMPORTANT AND BEAUTIFUL DIVINE APPOINTMENT! ... Your Story Helped So Many Tonight!
1/11/17 Kelly McKee sent me an email letting me know she had a horrible MIGRAINE and could not make it to church...she asked for prayer (but I never saw this email before church) .... but during church it was requested that we pray for Kelly who had been suffering for 2 days with horrible migraines..... WE TOUCHED & AGREED AND WE PRAYED FOR HER HEALING!
1/12/17 TESTIMONY NIGHT.... I receive an email from Kelly saying that she layed, listening to the REPLAY and as I began to pray for her she FELT THE ANOINTING so STRONG and all of a sudden HER MIGRAINE HEADACHE ***VANISHED!!!!!****
Later on that day she emailed me again saying she feels so LIGHT, so GOOD and knew it was a MIRACLE! So she shared at our TESTIMONY NIGHT last night and we once again GIVE GOD GLORY FOR HIS HAND OF HEALING & BREAKTHROUGH!
KELLY MCKEE PRAYER REQUEST - October 2016On around OCTOBER 20th Kelly McKee asked for Prayer for her Parents .... Somebody had broken into their home and stole LOTS of things! They felt completely VIOLATED! .... BUT there was a miracle already in that their little maltese who had the run of the house was NOT TOUCHED!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! ..... so we prayed that night and I (pastor cindy) was reminded about a story of someone else whose house was stripped BARE .... simply devastating..... and they went right into prayer and asked the Lord to cause the people who did this to get Born Again and one day RETURN EVERYTHING they stole..... about 4 or 5 YEARS later, these people get a knock on their door right after dinner time....the husband opened the door and there was a couple on the other side who said .... "WE ARE THE ONES WHO TOOK ALL OF YOUR STUFF" .... but we have since Accepted the Lord into our Hearts and part of our healing is that we wanted to come tell you we are so so very sorry and we are going to BUY BRAND NEW, EVERYTHING THAT WE TOOK FROM YOU!.....***AND THEY DID*** .... so I told Kelly and the rest of the church this story and said...... LET'S PRAY THAT WHOEVER DID THIS WILL RETURN WHAT THEY STOLE.......... Here is the Update, 2 days later:
UPDATE: Praise Report! These two women came to my parents today- one was drunk and said they had some jewelry that they think was stolen. They had 3 of my Mothers rings! They also have an IPad. My parents contacted the police. A lot is still gone. But WOW! Praise God! The women told my parents who gave them the jewelry. The girls name is Beth! Pray for her and her boyfriend. They are bad drug addicts! Love You, Kelly
10/8/16 - Sara (GodIsLove) PRAYER REQUEST
Sara had been coming to church but not ever feeling like she was saved....not feeling that she'd go to Heaven...not feeling the JOY of the Lord....I (pastorcindy) committed to pray for her. On COMMUNION Saturday, 10/8/16 she mentioned that although I had been praying for her she still had these "FEELINGS" .... so we discussed the ways the enemy comes to 'kill, steal and destroy by trying to convince us to "follow our feelings" .... we, the family at TGC all took hands and prayed "OVER HER" then she PRAYED THE SINNERS PRAYER again, but this time understands what it truly MEANS to be BORN AGAIN! She renounced satan and ran to JESUS and the BURDEN WAS LIFTED!!!! .... Thank YOU Jesus for SETTING SARA FREE TO BE ALL THAT YOU'VE CALLED HER TO BE!!!! .... and for the Amazing Grace and Amazing JOY she is now experiencing as she WALKS IN HER RENEWED VICTORY!
10/2016 - KATHY TRIJILLO: Prayer Request
In early October Kathy T. asked for prayer.....She was having a woman's surgical procedure done and there was a suspicion of something that should NOT be there....we prayed for a miracle!!!!.... Here is HER TEXT TO ME on OCTOBER 6, 2016 -Evening Pastor Cindy, just wanted to share a praise report with you. My Doctor's office called and my test results came. back clean. No cancer cells!!!!!! Praise God. Amen .........HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD!!! HIS PRAISE SHALL FOREVER BE ON OUR LIPS!
Kathy Trujillo Another PRAISE REPORT!WE prayed for Pam, (KathyT's Daughter) to MIRACULOUSLY receive the Finances needed to be able to fix her car. As I prayed I felt the Lord prompt me to "proclaim" that the Money will Miraculously be in her Mailbox.... Here is the TESTIMONY following that Prayer: Pastor Cindy, I just wanted to share a testimony with you. Just a few days ago, I had asked everyone to pray for my daughter to find the money to have her brakes fixed in her car and TODAY, she had a check in the mail that would be enough to cover the brakes. She was not expecting any money and is over the moon with this blessing. Thank you so much. Love to all, KT
Miraculous HEALING of an unbearable Back Pain for many years due to a spine issue....COMPLETELY HEALED! ///
MIRACULOUS COURT HEARING! It had gone in the 'wrong' favor and now the SAME JUDGE would hear the SAME Case, but we prayed for a MIRACLE and that SAME JUDGE signed the SAME PAPER he denied last time!!! HALLELUJAH!!!! ///
Miraculous HEALING of a young man's Stutter!!! ///
MIRACULOUS JOB INTERVIEWS AND NEW JOBS! .... Several who were looking for months came to The Glory Chain for prayer and within 24 hours ONE GOT HIS DREAM JOB, within 48 hours ANOTHER got HIS JOB and the Lord gave me a Word of Knowledge for a 3rd telling him that the JOB would COME to HIM!!! .... we JUST HEARD that HE Received a Phone Call regarding A POSSIBLE JOB with his OLD BOSS in a New Location ... we are WAITING on the HALLELUJAH! .... The HALLELUJAH CAME!!! ///
UPDATE: (WE PRAYED FOR JOSEPH'S EMPLOYMENT FOR MONTHS... HERE IS HIS UPDATE 12/16)Hello Pastor Cindy! Thank you for the Christmas gift you sent me! Put a Big Smile on my face! God answered the prayer ya'll have been in agreement with me about. I've been Blessed with a new job I'll be starting this January 3, 2017!! I believe it'll be perfect & everything I've desired! I'll be moving to a new city (Odessa, TX) working as a Production Manager for a National Linen Company. Praise God!!
Please pray I'll have God's Grace, wisdom & favor to excel in this opportunity. Pray all is well with ya'll! Looking forward to joining on Periscope with ya'll again real soon!
God Bless & Happy Prosperous New Year!
In Christ's Love,
Joseph Gallicchio
PRAISE REPORT: E.HOLLISTERWe have been praying for Earl and his sons .... one of the prayer requests was for his eldest son to find a place to live as the home he is in now just sold and he only had a few weeks before he had to turn in the key....WE PRAYED......AND BELIEVED ...... AND *BEFORE* THE DEADLINE HE WAS SIGNING PAPERS FOR HIS NEW HOME!!!we are still believing for a few more things and have NO DOUBT that the Lord is working behind the scenes and the praise reports are ON THE WAY!
DON CROWERApril 2nd, 2016 was a Saturday and I had decided to hold the service at 3:30pm .... all of a sudden people just started joining one after another after another! I knew we had a full house and the Spirit of the Lord was moving strong..... As soon as the service began our Prayer Line I was praying for her I realized that a name popped up on my screen and my eyes went from the "name to the picture" .... when I hung up I said, could this really be him? My Lord, Hallelujah, I believe that it is! It was VERY FAMOUS EVANGELIST DON CROWER! I have watched him on television for many years and always loved his preaching!..... I welcomed him and said that I was truly Humbled...He said that he was feeling the Spirit thru the screen! He stayed with us the entire hour and it was a *Highlight* for me to be in his company! When I prayed the blessing over everyone and closed the meeting I looked at the replay and GASPED when I saw that 915 people had joined in!REVIVAL FIRE FALL! FALL ON US NOW LORD! WE ARE READY WITH OUR HANDS LIFTED HIGH! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY! PRAISE REPORT: EVANGELIST DON CROWER
APRIL 4TH Andrew Came to the Service and was INSTANTLY READY to become BORN AGAIN! ... He asked the Lord into his heart and was SO excited, he asked if he could bring his Best Friend TAYLOR AROS the next day .... THEN THE NEXT EVENING ON 4/5 HE INVITED HIS BEST FRIEND TO COME AND LISTEN AND HE ALSO GOT BORN AGAIN! GOD IS GOOD AND HIS MERCY ENDURETH FOREVER!
UPDATE: Andrew and Taylor came to church EVERY DAY! They also had another Best Friend PABLOS that we never got to meet, but sometimes things do NOT turn out exactly how we plan .... Andrew was in the car with PABLOS and a DRUNK Driver hit them and KILLED PABLOS! This was a TOTAL SHOCK TO EVERYONE! After Andrew got out of the hospital he came to church to share what had happened! Him and Taylor were suffering their loss of a Best Friend and during that time, Taylor went BACK to the DRUGS that he had been so excited to be FREE from .... HE OVERDOSED THAT NIGHT AND DIED! .... We can only say ThankYOU Jesus for SAVING HIS SOUL just weeks before! //// This of course almost took Andrew DOWN! He said it was hard to come to church, the same church him and his buddies loved so much, but we kept praying for him that the devil would NOT be able to convince him to walk away from the Lord....
UPDATE: ANDREW CAME TO CHURCH AND SAID THAT THE 3 OF THEN (Andrew,Taylor,Pablos) Had PLANNED to go into the Military as soon as they Graduated High School ..... so in HONOR OF THEM, Andrew enlisted in the Military and came to tell us thank you and good bye "for now" .... (I CRIED TEARS OF THANKFULNESS DURING CHURCH) ... Andrew said, Please don't cry Pastor Cindy, I'm going to be ok .....THANK YOU JESUS!) He left the Next day for Bootcamp ..... He came back to tell us that Bootcamp was over and how hard it was and that he would be leaving IN 3 DAYS for AFGHANISTAN and was scared and asked us to pray!!! WE DID, WE CONTINUE TO PRAY AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM ANDREW ANY DAY NOW! .... He was one of the Very FIRST to get Born Again here and will ALWAYS HAVE A PLACE IN MY HEART....OUR HEARTS!
UPDATE: If you'd like to read the entire story of Andrew, please go to THIS LINK here in our Website: then go to: JUST SAY NO! (part 1) and JUST SAY NO! (Part 2)
4/12/16 - MATTHEW (AKA) TREEMAN Visited The Glory Chain a few nights ago and had some questions .... took the answers to heart and visited again several times....Tonight there was so much "RUCKUS" from the enemy during our service and I just KNEW something amazing was about to happen .... and then he said ..... "I want to ask Jesus into my heart!" .... Hallelujah! We prayed and he asked Jesus to be the Lord of his life! I asked him what he was experiencing right after and his answer was ONE word and it says it all! .....WARMTH!!!! ... GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! /// It was a Double Blessing Night because Eddie asked the Lord into his heart at the VERY same time! Glory Glory Glory!!! There are now 8 *EIGHT* confirmed Salvations right here in The GLORY Chain! God is So GOOD! @treemanaz777: MATTHEW MITCHUM - BORN AGAIN 4/12/16
4/12/16 - EDDIES STORY:Right as I was getting ready to say goodnight, freeman/Matthew asked if he could invite Jesus to come into his heart so as I was ministering to him, Eddie came and asked if he could receive prayer for a sexual sin .... I asked if he knew the Lord personally yet and he said he was working on it..... so I asked if he would like to get BORN AGAIN right NOW and ask the Lord to forgive him of all his sins, Receive Jesus as his Personal Lord and Savior and the Lord would not only forgive him and give him Eternal Salvation but he will also LOOSE the DEVIL OFF of his life and take the Strangling Rope that the enemy had around his throat and SET HIM COMPLETELY FREE from this Sexual Sin as well as ALL of his sins and then the Holy Spirit will FILL HIM with POWER to Walk with the Lord and be a child of God, a brother to us and a Light to the World! .... he said YES!!!!! I said When? He said ..... NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! .... So I had been ministering to freeman at the very same time and then I UNDERSTOOD WHY the Devil was giving us such "STATIC" all night ..... 10 minutes later we had a DOUBLE BLESSING in the body of Christ! TWO BRAND NEW BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS! To God be ALL the Glory! We now have *8* (EIGHT) Converts right here at The GLORY Chain! Hallelujah! God is Moving HERE! Touching Lives, Setting people FREE, Breaking chains that had then BOUND and then Connecting with them HERE in this GOD CHAIN ... The GLORY Chain! .... amen
FROM ISRAEL - 4/12/16 - Abdul from Israel called on the Prayer Line wanting to know if I would pray that he would know for SURE which path to follow.... I told him about MY Path and he wanted to know if I could show him in the KJV where it shows the Triune God because he said when I talk about Him ..... "HE FEELS!" ... HE FEELS!" ...... it was GLORIOUS! My prayer is that he continues to search as if he is searching for Silver and Gold he WILL KNOW 100% that Jesus Christ is God! ... We arranged for me to call him right after the service and UNFORTUNATELY I cannot make International Calls so I pray he will call me again so that I can give him all of the information he was seeking.... OR THAT THE LORD WILL SEND ANOTHER XOX
SUICIDAL - Met a Young Man who had been extremely Suicidal, had NO friends, Depressed and on medication to help Attention Deficit ... Everyone (especially the other young men of God surrounded him with LOVE and friendship) and after Prayer and some words of encouragement he decided to JOIN the FAMILY here at TGC and is Letting the LIGHT into his life, prayed a prayer with me for a New Beginning! ..... Another Young GAY man who said he loves Jesus with all of his heart felt so afraid of going to HELL! .... Said he has NEVER been wanted in church, or at least that's how he felt .... of course "OUR" Family surrounded him with lots of LOVE and in my heart I believe that the God of LOVE absolutely Loves Him and as long as he has a SAFE PLACE to come and Worship the Lord in, then just like the rest of us, the Lord will Gently guide him and Gently lead him into All Truth and with the Lord looking into the Heart, we are just thrilled, as is, this new Member of TGC to CELEBRATE JESUS TOGETHER and CELEBRATE being a part of the BODY of CHRIST ... a STRONG ARMY, "Linked with Love" .... and again and again I am HUMBLED to have been called to be a VOICE in the Body of Christ,Loving ALL whom God Loves Without Prejudice!!!!!
GOD RESTORES SWEET DREAMS!JULY - Was the month where we prayed for so many who had SLEEP DISORDERS, NIGHTMARES, SLEEPLESS RESTLESS NIGHTS .... we prayed agains the enemy who comes to STEAL our rest and the NEXT NIGHT..... and the NEXT NIGHT and the NEXT NIGHT every single person we prayed for CAME BACK to say ThankYOU to everyone who prayed and to honor the Lord who answered the prayers! Every Single One has been sleeping peacefully ever since!! God is Good! He is just waiting for people who have the Courage to ASK ANYTHING, Mixing their Faith Together and sending it to Heaven!
AUGUST - a young man who has been on MEDICATION for ADD, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, since he was a little boy came and asked for prayer. Lots of Love, Patience, Encouragement and the Hand of God has brought him to TODAY where he is 100% COMPLETELY DRUG AND MEDS FREE! The doctors said he should keep taking everything but he told the doctor that he's going to quit one way or another and trust God so the doctor had no other choice than to wean him off...... HALLELUJAH HE IS FREE!!!
BRIAN'S STORY:AUGUST - a young man who came in to The Glory Chain in the BEGINNING asked us to pray for an addiction to Pain Pills..... as we got to know him found out that there was (just like everyone) a story behind the pain and the choices and he also suffered with depression, suicidal thoughts at times, alcohol and pills .... had several DUI's and recently was kicked out of his moms home with a RESTRAINING ORDER to not come home! .... with LOVE and us at the Glory Chain believing that the Lord could turn this around for the good of his entire family literally WATCHED THE MIRACLE HAPPEN RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES! .... We "Invested" in the God inside him and within 7 to 10 days He would use some of the money we gave him to take his Mother out to one of the NICEST Restaurants in their area and was allowed to COME HOME with the Love and Acceptance of his Brothers and Sister! God HEALS FAMILIES!
Our Brother & Friend! PASTOR JUAN FUENTES!SEPTEMBER - We had the opportunity to meet a man of God who had suffered for years DEPRESSION and PTSD from the Military and the Lord told me that IF HE WAS REALLY READY God would HEAL HIM Completely RIGHT NOW!..... He said.... "I'm Ready!!" .... the Lord gave me (Pastor Cindy) a Word of Wisdom that this man left home to go fight ONE KIND OF ENEMY but Returned Home fighting ANOTHER ENEMY!..... and at the NAME OF JESUS THIS ENEMY MUST FLEE! The Service was so POWERFUL, FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST AND THIS MAN TESTIFIES EVERY DAY THAT HE IS COMPLETELY FREE!!!! No More Bad Dreams, No More Suicidal or Depressive Thoughts , no ore PTSD .... HE IS FREE INDEED! .... Hallelujah!
BLOCK PRAYERFULLY!TODAY 9/18/16 - I, Pastor Cindy sit at my computer Praising the Lord for helping me and a new member of our beautiful Church Without Walls work out what could have been a very sad day!...... I've always thought of myself as one who is the LEAST Judgmental and a minister that truly LOVES ALL whom God Loves, Without Prejudice. But TODAY I was faced with a situation that I did not know how to handle, so in my heart I felt I did the right thing to BLOCK someone..... Everyone that knows me knows that is not what I ever want to do...... Long story short..... Because GOD is SO GOOD and ALWAYS has everyones best interest at heart allowed myself and this other beautiful person to come to a Better Understanding and partly it was due to the few people who came to her rescue, sticking up for her.....not her wrong behavior if there was any, but stuck up for her as a person with a heart and a touched me and I can say tonight that She is No longer Blocked and I am excited to watch her continue on her journey with the Lord, and I shall not get in the way of the Love Affair My Lord wants to have with her. I do believe that the Lord allows mistakes from time to time to help us REMEMBER that LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SIN AND IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER!!!! .... PRAISE YOU JESUS!.....
MIRACLE UPDATE: One of the people who sent me an email asking me to RECONSIDER UNBLOCKING the Person Above went on to RECEIVE JESUS INTO HER HEART JUST A FEW WEEKS LATER....RIGHT *HERE* AT HER NEW CHURCH, TheGloryChain! ... can I get an AMEN??? xoxo Hallelujah!
PEN PAL BEHIND BARS BECOMES *OUR BLESSING!*9/17/16 - After sending HAPPY MAIL to our 1st PRISONER PEN/PAL we got an ENVELOPE FILLED WITH HANDWRITTEN LETTERS TO EVERY PERSON WHO WROTE TO HIM!..... What a Blessing this is to reach out to someone who shall be behind bars for the rest of his life, but who is COMPLETELY FREE IN JESUS NAME!..... Pray for Frankie/// Go checkout Pen Pals Behind Bars for more information or if you'd like to join the PenPal Team!
UPDATE: WE ADOPTED FRANKIES 2 DAUGHTERS FOR CHRISTMAS and because of the LOVE, PRAYERS and GIVING of our beautiful Family here at TEAM GLORY CHAIN we were able to bless them with EVERYTHING their Gramma said they really needed AND everything we thought they would Love! Approximately $1,700 when it was all said and done, because of YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT! .... We have an amazing Team here! .... We look forward to 2017 as we live our lives with PRAISE ON OUR LIPS!
WE MET PASTOR DAVID from GHANA and were able to Team up with him in Sending BIBLES earlier in the year and then we blessed them with a $300 Love Gift that they used to BLESS A VERY NEEDY ORPHANAGE IN THEIR AREA OF AFRICA! Go to the Website and look under MINISTRY VIDEOS to see what the Lord is and has and will continue to DO thru Loving People who trust Him with our Time, Talent and Treasure! ... Hallelujah!
MIRACLE - We met a Gal named Deanna_Lay73 in May 2016 /// She told us a very difficult story regarding her and her abusive fiance and how 1 year ago, (around May of 2015) he SHOT HIMSELF ... the bullet went thru him and KILLED HIM and also went into Deanna's side. It has been a very hard year getting thru this and asking herself how and why he would want to die.... and why the Lord let her live?? But she felt very welcomed by us here at the Glory Chain so asked for a Prayer....
GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS! Deanna said she had not heard from her sister, brother in law or niece for a very long time and is SO WORRIED because they were involved in a drug ring of some kind....doing drugs....selling drugs .... just a very dangerous situation. She said she doesn't even know if they are alive! ........ WE TOUCHED & AGREED and began to PRAY. I felt the Lord say that she would HEAR FROM THEM WITHIN 24 HOURS! ...... we agreed to STAND on that Word from the Lord and await with great expectation!
LESS THAN 24 HOURS LATER ... DEANNA CAME TO THE CHURCH SERVICE WITH GREAT NEWS! She said that Her Sister VIDEO CALLED HER TODAY!!! They are ok!!! Deanna as well as ALL OF US HERE at The Glory Chain REJOICED with SHOUTS OF PRAISE!!!! ... Our Faith GREW Today!!!! .... Dare to BELIEVE and just watch what the Lord will do! ... HALLELUJAH!
OUR FIRST SALVATION & PRAISE REPORT Here at THE GLORY CHAIN!John and his girlfriend Paige had met Pastor Cindy a few months ago in Periscope in a Pet/Jewelry Give Away and kept in touch..... When The Glory Chain began they started coming to the services. Finally one evening John said that he would like to invite Jesus into his heart! He DID IT! He was FILLED with God's Spirit and was so excited that his Beloved Mother who is celebrating in Heaven would be PROUD of him! I told him that his mother would be EXTREMELY PROUD and I'm sure she always was and that ALL OF HEAVEN IS REJOICING! .... The next day he called for a job interview (he had been looking for a job for months....they said, can you come in for an interview and he said they HIRED HIM RIGHT ON THE SPOT!..... He loves his new job and says that every day it feels like he is BRAND NEW! .... Behold the old is Gone, All things are NEW!
HE SAYS: I FEEL LIKE A BRAND NEW PERSON! 2Cor. 5:17 If anyone be in Christ he is a NEW CREATION!
XAVIER STORY IS WHEN I KNEW FOR SURE THAT GOD COULD MINISTER THRU THE GLORY CHAIN'S UNUSUAL SET UP!We met one evening in Periscope and were talking about giving up ANYTHING that would keep us from God's BEST for us! He said that he loves the Lord, goes to church but on Friday nights is still doing the party scene. I said that there is No Way that we can be true God Chasers and experience God's BEST if we Date the Devil on Friday Night, then Visit Jesus on Sunday Morning. He shared that 3 people had prophesied over him at different times that he would one day be a MINISTER of CHRIST .... he said he LOVES people and LOVES to talk and does truly LOVE the Lord.....We prayed over him and encouraged him to quit hanging out with those particular friends that get him in trouble. He started practicing it, a little bit at a time and then FINALLY ..... (SAY FINALLY!!) HE DID IT!.... One evening he came to the service and said that he was DONE WITH ALL OF THAT and was going to CHASE GOD COMPLETELY!!!! We were SHOUTING and CELEBRATING this wonderful decision! .....Soon after that one evening he asked me if I knew Cheryl Chavez and I said YES I do! I know her very well! (she is the President of the Murrieta Chapter of Women's Aglow) and he said......she's my gramma!!!! HALLELUJAH! I asked how he realized that we might know one another and he said that he wanted to show me to his mother and she said..... I KNOW HER! SHE SPEAKS AT WOMEN'S AGLOW AND KNOWS YOUR GRAMMA!so it is, you just NEVER know WHO will come into your life and whose life you might touch because they did!~HE IS SHINING BRIGHT AND DOING AWESOME! CHANGED HIS FRIDAY NIGHTS TO DOING SOMETHING WITH THE YOUTH GROUP OR HOME FELLOWSHIP GROUPS....... I see him changing his generation for Christ! SEND HIM LORD! PRAISE REPORT: XAVIER RATED 'X' for Xavier!
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we'll see you in the FRONT ROW! ...