TANNER "Oklahoma"
Church Business Advisor & Consultant

As we move to TikTok on May 9, 2022 we are excited to bring TANNER ROLEN on as Pastor Cindy's Advisor & Consultant (a 2 or more) This position is mostly behind the scenes as he will upon certain situations that require important decisions to be made that deal with Church Business, come alongside Pastor Cindy for prayerful discussions in making important decisions.  KathyT filled this position beautifully and now Tanner shall step into this important position.

As Advisor & Consultant you need to be incredibly dependant upon the Spirit of God speaking and not feel the need to gossip or share private church matters with anybody in the congregation as it tends to cause a divided family.  

When making important decisions it is imperative and vitally important that Tanner and Pastor Cindy are in FULL AGREEMENT as they go to God for answers that require important decisions to be made.  We shall always require 2 votes in full agreement before making decisions. This is for the protection of the flock and reassurance that our "feelings" shall not interfere in making any decisions, but that we "BOTH" feel God's  Peace in the matter.

If at any time we are "Divided" on an issue we will pray about it for a week and come back together.  If at that time we are still divided then we shall bring Shirley Nelson in for wise counsel and prayer and she will be the Majority Decision in the case.

The GOOD NEWS is that we truly are a family and it is VERY SELDOM that we have ever had an issue that required a 3rd party but it is also wise to have it in place and be prepared.  Rowing Together in Unity is always our Hope and To God be ALL GLORY!

Tanners Testimony: I want to say that being part of the Leadership Team I believe has helped me be more accountable in myself, and being more aware of how I act and respond to things and seeing the error in how i've responded to things that come up but I can use that to learn from it.

In short I have had more accountability from being part of the Leadership Team here which I know will definately help me down the road xox

MY NOTE: It is our Leadership Team that keeps me on my toes and helps me to be able to relax and minister to those the Lord brings to us each night!

I Appreciate each and every one so much and hope that you know that "Your Investment into the lives of people from all across the world as you serve here at The Glory Chain SHALL RETURN TO YOU: Pressed Down, Shaken Together, Running Over and Overflowing in Jesus Mighty Matchless Name....the Name above Every Other Name....the Ultimate Highest Power of Love and Grace....amen