MARIA*A*  "Arizona"
USHER - Director of People during Live Service & TikTok Moderator

The USHER helps maintain ORDER and a PEACEFUL FLOW in each Service by DIRECTING people who have questions where to go to get their answers.  The position of USHER is one that also must be the eyes and ears to the congregation during church service, especially visitors coming in who do not know the "Unwritten Rules" - Like a "Watchdog" the Usher keeps both eyes open for opportunities to lead, guide and direct.

She will USHER & direct all questions during the LIVE SERVICES (unless we are having a Q&A Service) to be sent to our WEBSITE: THEGLORYCHAIN.COM where Pastor Cindy will receive and answer each one individually.  As it is our desire that each person feels important and welcome, Maria will lovingly help support them by letting them know that their question, their need, or their opinion is VERY IMPORTANT TO US and will be answered in an appropriate way.  The ministry of Ushering requires organizational skills, leadership ability and the "Fruit" of Self-Control when there are those who do not want to be directed.....

We WELCOME our friend and Sister MARIA ALCANTARA to the TEAM! - now the party can start!

Maria A's Testimony: (Director of People)

Maria keeps everyone in line during our gatherings and especially helps keep me organized and helps me to not miss important messages or prayer requests.  She has been with us for many years and has gone thru some personal heartaches and sadnesses, but has never turned away from the Lord! She remains faithful and continues to be somebody who I very much look up to and appreciate each and every day. Because MariaA is "in the house" our gatherings run smooth!

MY NOTE: It is our Leadership Team that keeps me on my toes and helps me to be able to relax and minister to those the Lord brings to us each night!

I Appreciate each and every one so much and hope that you know that "Your Investment into the lives of people from all across the world as you serve here at The Glory Chain SHALL RETURN TO YOU: Pressed Down, Shaken Together, Running Over and Overflowing in Jesus Mighty Matchless Name....the Name above Every Other Name....the Ultimate Highest Power of Love and Grace....amen