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FROM VOM: Thank you for joining us in our efforts to provide A Bible for Every Believer! Your gift of $180.00 will put 30 Bibles in the hands of Christians living and serving Christ on the world’s most difficult and dangerous mission fields. A BIBLE FOR EVERY BELIEVER Is One of The Ministry Outreaches of VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! It’s a difficult, dangerous and often illegal task, but front-line workers are risking their lives to get God’s Word into the hands of those who otherwise might never receive it. THANK YOU FOR BEING AN answer to their prayers in giving them a Bible of their own! OUR GOAL IS THAT every Christian AND Christian Leader in more than 60 nations, such as Cuba, North Korea, China and Iraq, has his or her own copy of the Bible. YOUR DONATION OF: $180 HAS Purchased 30 COPIES OF God’s Word to be GIFTED into the hands of our brothers and sisters around the world. Thank you for being part of it!

  • Date:02/06/2022 04:20 PM
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In recent years, thanks to the generous support of American Christians like you, VOM has been able to distribute more than 1 million Bibles each year on the world’s most difficult and dangerous mission fields. We know precious persecuted believers in these nations by name, and VOM staff members have witnessed firsthand their joy when they receive their first Bible.

Preparing the Next Generation

One way enemies of the gospel try to prevent the spread of Christianity is by restricting and destroying Bibles for children. They know that if they can indoctrinate children with other beliefs — radical Islam, communism or some other anti-God philosophy — those beliefs can last a lifetime. The Voice of the Martyrs is counteracting this by putting Bibles in the hands of our youngest brothers and sisters, helping them prepare to stand courageously for their faith in Christ.