Lead Greeter & Prayer Assistant

7/26/21 We bring Jetta in to fill the post of GREETER.  She was hand picked by kathyT and we believe she has the quick insight to make people not only feel welcome but at home as well.  

Jetta is also our PrayerTeamLeader Assistant: (Shirley's Assistant)  Jetta will accumulate all prayer requests that come in throughout the week including Prayer & Praise Meeting each Wednesday and send them to Shirley. They will be printed out by email and sent to Shirley by the following day of each service.  This position is such an asset to our Prayer Team!

Jetta has the ability to quickly notice people as they come in to the gathering and is quick to welcome them and make them feel at home.  

Jetta's Testimony: being a part of the leadership team at The Glory Chain has been a huge blessing to ne in many ways. When I first started at The Glory Chaib I was curious about the leadership team.  In the beginning I was the "Song Leader" I would send Pastor Cindy the songs for Prayer Night.  When KathyT our original Greeter passed away Pastor Cindy asked me if I would pray about becoming the Head Greeter and Prayer Assistant to Shirley.  After prayer about this, I immediately said YES!

Now I an the Head Greeter and a Prayer Assistant to Shirley.  I absolutely ADORE and LOVE being a part of The Glory Chain Family and now a Team Leader for The Glory Chain!

MY NOTE: It is our Leadership Team that keeps me on my toes and helps me to be able to relax and minister to those the Lord brings to us each night!

I Appreciate each and every one so much and hope that you know that "Your Investment into the lives of people from all across the world as you serve here at The Glory Chain SHALL RETURN TO YOU: Pressed Down, Shaken Together, Running Over and Overflowing in Jesus Mighty Matchless Name....the Name above Every Other Name....the Ultimate Highest Power of Love and Grace....amen