ANE   "Arkansas"
HOSPITALITY Ministry Leader

Hospitality Ministry is not just sending Birthday Cards to the members once a year, or CELEBRATION Cards when there is cause for rejoicing, but this team leader who is blessed with the GIFT of MERCY is always "Watching and Listening".

Our Hospitality Leader is anointed by God to notice when someone is feeling down, or when there is a need, be it prayer or otherwise.  If a family member has a specific need she will let me know about it and Tanner (my Advisor/Consultant) and I will decide if we can use the BENEVOLENT FUND to be a "hand up" ...   THE HOSPITALITY MINISTRY is not one you see in every church but in our attempt to help people understand just how important they truly are to us I believe this ministry is one that shows people that we care and that they are not only important but each and every person who calls TGC Home has stamped on their heart #YOUMATTER and it is our blessing to remind them however we can, whenever we can, and I am so grateful to ANE for stepping UP to lead this very important ministry.

Thank YOU Ane for making each of US feel SPECIAL!  #YOUROCK!

(Ann had a very serious accident that caused her to take a few years off to recover.  In that time they moved to an area that does not have good internet servide and it is so sad because WE MISS HER!  She would absolutely LOVE to be part of the "Card Ministry" but TikTok is so different from the app she used to serve under which was Periscope.  Here at TikTok things change rapidly abd daily.....but here is an excerpt from a recent b/day gift we sent her and her reply....

After sending Ane a little Thankyou Cross in February 2024 we asked if she was still wanting to be part of the hospitality team if we could make it work..... here is her reply:

Thank YOU Pastor Cindy for the beautiful birthday gift.  I absolutely love love love the cross and also YES if you'll just give me an updated mailing list of b/day's and anniversaries I'll be *tickled* to continue doing it.....I'll be watching for the updated list soon! //// LOVE YA!

MY NOTE: I will contact her soon to see how we can get her back in the front row xoxo we miss her so much!

MY NOTE: It is our Leadership Team that keeps me on my toes and helps me to be able to relax and minister to those the Lord brings to us each night!

I Appreciate each and every one so much and hope that you know that "Your Investment into the lives of people from all across the world as you serve here at The Glory Chain SHALL RETURN TO YOU: Pressed Down, Shaken Together, Running Over and Overflowing in Jesus Mighty Matchless Name....the Name above Every Other Name....the Ultimate Highest Power of Love and Grace....amen